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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 18 eight-letter words containing A, I, P, R, 2S and T

AIRPOSTSAIRPOST n. the system of conveying mail by air.
AIRSTOPSairstops n. Plural of airstop.
AIRSTOP n. a helicopter stopping place.
DISPARTSdisparts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dispart.
DISPART v. (archaic) to part, split in two.
HARPISTSharpists n. Plural of harpist.
HARPIST n. one who plays the harp, also HARPER.
MISPARTSmisparts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mispart.
MISPART v. to part badly.
PASTRIESpastries n. Plural of pastry.
PASTRY n. articles made of dough.
PIARISTSPiarists n. Plural of Piarist.
PIARIST n. a member of a Christian group who educate the poor.
PIASTERSpiasters n. Plural of piaster.
PIASTER n. a monetary unit of several Arab countries, also PIASTRE.
PIASTRESpiastres n. Plural of piastre.
PIASTRE n. (French) a monetary unit of several Arab countries, also PIASTER.
PROSAISTprosaist n. A person who writes prose.
prosaist n. A prosaic or commonplace person.
PROSAIST n. a writer of prose, also PROSER.
PROTASISprotasis n. The first part of a play, in which the setting and characters are introduced.
protasis n. (Logic, grammar) A clause that expresses a contingent element in a conditional sentence.
PROTASIS n. the introductory part of a classical drama.
RASPIESTraspiest adj. Superlative form of raspy: most raspy.
RASPY adj. rough.
SPARSITYsparsity n. The property of being sparse; sparseness.
SPARSITY n. the state of being sparse.
SPIRANTSspirants n. Plural of spirant.
SPIRANT n. a sound produced by narrowing the air passage.
SPRAINTSspraints n. Plural of spraint.
SPRAINT n. otter's dung.
STARSHIPstarship n. A type of spacecraft capable of traveling to the solar systems of other stars.
STARSHIP n. a spaceship for interstellar travel.
TRAIPSEStraipses n. Plural of traipse.
traipses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of traipse.
TRAIPSE v. to walk wearily, also TRAPE, TRAPES, TRAPSE.
UPSTAIRSupstairs adj. Located on a higher floor or level of a building.
upstairs adj. (Baseball, informal) Pertaining to a pitched ball that is high, and usually outside the strike zone.
upstairs adv. Up the stairs; on a higher floor or level.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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