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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing 3A, I, N, R and T

AMARANTINAMARANTIN n. (Milton) the plant amaranth, also AMARANTHINE, AMARANTINE.
AMATORIANamatorian adj. (Obsolete) amatory.
ANARTHRIAanarthria n. (Neurology, neuropsychology) A speech impairment in which the ability to articulate is lost completely.
ANARTHRIA n. loss of the ability to speak coherently.
ANTIRADARantiradar adj. (Military) Preventing detection by radar.
ANTIRADAR adj. designed to foil radar.
ANTIRADAR n. a device designed to foil radar.
ARTISANALartisanal adj. Of or pertaining to artisans or the work of artisans.
artisanal adj. Involving skilled work, with comparatively little reliance on machinery.
artisanal adj. (Of an item, especially a foodstuff) Made by an artisan (skilled worker).
ASTRANTIAastrantia n. Any of the genus Astrantia of herbaceous plants.
ASTRANTIA n. a plant of the Astrantia genus of hardy, perennial umbelliferous plants with showy petallike bracts.
INAMORATAinamorata n. A female lover or woman with whom one is in love; a mistress.
INAMORATA n. (Italian) a (female) lover; beloved person.
LACTARIANlactarian n. A lactovegetarian.
LACTARIAN n. a vegetarian whose diet includes dairy products.
NATATORIAnatatoria n. Plural of natatorium.
NATATORIUM n. (Latin) an indoor swimming-pool.
PANCRATIAPANCRATIUM n. an athletic contest involving both boxing and wrestling.
RANGATIRArangatira n. A hereditary Māori leader of a kinship group.
RANGATIRA n. (Maori) a leader or chief.
SAMARITANsamaritan n. A Good Samaritan.
Samaritan n. A native, or inhabitant of Samaria; especially one practising the religious traditions originating in that region.
Samaritan n. A charitable person, one who helps others (from the Bible story in Luke 10:30–37).
SANATORIAsanatoria n. Plural of sanatorium.
SANATORIUM n. a hospital, esp. for tuberculosis, also SANITARIUM, SANITORIUM.
SANITARIAsanitaria n. Plural of sanitarium.
SANITARIUM n. (Latin) a health station or retreat, also SANATORIUM, SANITORIUM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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