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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing 2A, B, C, E, I and M

AMBIANCESambiances n. Plural of ambiance.
AMBIANCE n. the mood or atmosphere of a place or situation, also AMBIENCE.
BICAMERALbicameral adj. Being or having a system with two, often unequal, chambers or compartments; of, signifying, relating…
bicameral adj. (Government) Of, having, or relating to two separate legislative chambers or houses.
bicameral adj. (Typography) Of a script or typeface: having two cases, upper case and lower case.
CABINMATEcabinmate n. One who shares a cabin on board a ship.
CABINMATE n. one who shares a cabin.
CARBAMIDEcarbamide n. (Organic chemistry, especially in combination) urea.
CARBAMIDE n. the technical name for urea.
CLAIMABLEclaimable adj. Able to be claimed.
claimable n. Something that can be claimed.
CLAIMABLE adj. capable of being claimed.
IMBALANCEimbalance n. The property of not being in balance.
IMBALANCE n. lack of balance.
IMPACABLEimpacable adj. (Obsolete) Not to be appeased or quieted.
IMPACABLE adj. not able to be quieted or appeased.
MAINBRACEmainbrace n. (Nautical) The rope (or sheet) used to control the main yard. The main yard is the spar set across the…
MAINBRACE n. the brace attached to the mainyard.
METABATICmetabatic adj. Relating to metabasis.
METABATIC adj. transitional.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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