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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, 2E and 2L

CARAVELLEcaravelle n. Alternative spelling of caravel.
Caravelle prop.n. A type of twin-engine jet that was the first medium-haul modern jet airplane.
CARAVELLE n. a small light fast ship, chiefly Spanish or Portuguese, of the 15th to the 17th cents, also CARAVEL, CARVEL.
CELLARAGEcellarage n. The space or storerooms of a cellar.
cellarage n. A fee charged for storing goods in a cellar.
CELLARAGE n. the space or storerooms of a cellar.
CLEANABLEcleanable adj. That can be cleaned.
CLEANABLE adj. able to be cleaned.
CLEARABLEclearable adj. Able to be cleared.
CLEARABLE adj. that can be cleared.
CLEAVABLEcleavable adj. Capable of being cleaved.
CLEAVABLE adj. capable of cleaving or being divided.
ELEGIACALelegiacal adj. Elegiac; expressing sorrow.
ELEGIACAL adj. related to elegy, also ELEGIAC.
LACERABLElacerable adj. Susceptible to laceration; capable of being, or liable to be, torn.
LACERABLE adj. that can be lacerated or torn.
LEACHABLEleachable adj. Capable of leaching or of being leached.
leachable n. Any such material.
LEACHABLE adj. that can be leached.
MELALEUCAmelaleuca n. (Botany) Any member of the genus Melaleuca of shrubs and trees in the myrtle family.
Melaleuca prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Myrtaceae – certain tea trees, honey myrtles, and paperbarks.
MELALEUCA n. an Australian tree with a white trunk and black branches.
PLACEABLEplaceable adj. Capable of being placed.
placeable n. (Business) A jobseeker who is considered by an employment agency to be suitable for placement, but not…
placeable n. (Translation studies) In computer-aided translation, an element, such as a symbol or numeral, that is…
SCALEABLEscaleable adj. Alternative spelling of scalable.
SCALEABLE adj. that can be scaled, also SCALABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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