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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, I, 2L and R

ALTRICIALaltricial adj. (Zoology) Helpless at birth (of young animals); or having young which are helpless at birth.
altricial n. Such an animal.
ALTRICIAL adj. having young requiring care for a lengthy period.
ANCILLARYancillary adj. Subordinate; secondary; auxiliary.
ancillary n. Something that serves an ancillary function, such as an easel for a painter.
ancillary n. (Archaic) An auxiliary.
BACILLARYbacillary adj. Of or pertaining to a bacillus.
BACILLARY adj. of the shape or nature of a bacillus, rodlike, also BACILLAR.
CABRILLAScabrillas n. Plural of cabrilla.
CABRILLA n. (Spanish) a name applied to various species of edible fishes of the genus Serranus.
CALICULARcalicular adj. Relating to, or resembling, a cup.
CALICULAR adj. like a calicle, a row of small bracts at the base of the calyx.
CALLIGRAMcalligram n. A word, phrase or longer text in which the typeface or the layout has some special significance.
calligram n. A signature made from interwoven Arabic words.
CALLIGRAM n. a design using the letters of a word, also CALLIGRAMME.
CALVARIALcalvarial adj. Of or pertaining to the calvaria.
CALVARIAL adj. relating to the calvarium, the upper skull, also CALVARIAN.
CAMARILLAcamarilla n. A secret, usually sinister, group of conspiring advisors close to the leadership; a cabal.
CAMARILLA n. (Spanish) a group of unofficial often secret and scheming advisors; a cabal.
CAPILLARYcapillary adj. Of or pertaining to hair.
capillary adj. Of or pertaining to a narrow tube.
capillary adj. Of, relating to, or caused by surface tension.
CRANIALLYcranially adv. With regard to the cranium.
cranially adv. Towards the cranium.
CRANIAL adv. pertaining to the skull.
CUADRILLAcuadrilla n. (Bullfighting) The team which supports the matador.
CUADRILLA n. (Spanish) the attendants of a matador.
LACRIMALSlacrimals n. Plural of lacrimal.
LACRIMAL n. a gland that produces tears, also LACHRYMAL, LACRYMAL.
RACHILLAErachillae n. Plural of rachilla.
RACHILLA n. (Greek) the central stalk or axis of a grass spikelet, also RHACHILLA.
RACHILLASrachillas n. Plural of rachilla.
RACHILLA n. (Greek) the central stalk or axis of a grass spikelet, also RHACHILLA.
RADICALLYradically adv. In a radical manner; fundamentally; very.
radically adv. At the root.
RADICAL adv. fundamental.
RASCAILLErascaille n. A rascal.
rascaille n. A rabble or mob.
RASCAILLE n. (archaic) an archaic form of rascal, in the sense of rabble.
RHACHILLArhachilla n. Alternative form of rachilla.
RHACHILLA n. (Greek) the axis of a grass spikelet, also RACHILLA.
VARICELLAvaricella n. (Pathology) chickenpox.
varicella n. (Loosely) Any of various other eruptive diseases, such as swinepox, hives, and varioloid.
VARICELLA n. (Latin) chickenpox.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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