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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing 2A, E, F, R, S and T

AFTERMASTaftermast n. (Nautical) A mast located towards the stern of a ship.
AFTERMAST n. the mast nearest the stern.
ARTEFACTSartefacts n. Plural of artefact.
ARTEFACT n. an object made by man, also ARTIFACT.
BREAKFASTbreakfast n. The first meal of the day, usually eaten in the morning.
breakfast n. (By extension) A meal consisting of food normally eaten in the morning, which may typically include…
breakfast n. The celebratory meal served after a wedding (and occasionally after other solemnities e.g. a funeral).
EARTHFASTearthfast adj. Constructed with vertical roof-bearing timbers (posts) in direct contact with the ground, whether set…
earth-fast adj. Firm or planted in the earth, and difficult to remove.
EARTHFAST adj. fixed in the earth.
FARMSTEADfarmstead n. The main building of a farm.
farmstead n. A farm, including its buildings.
FARMSTEAD n. a farmhouse with buildings belonging to it.
FLATSHAREflatshare n. An arrangement in which two or more people share a flat (apartment building).
FLATSHARE n. an arrangement whereby a flat is shared.
FLATWARESflatwares n. Plural of flatware.
FLATWARE n. tableware that is fairly flat.
FRAUTAGESFRAUTAGE n. (Shakespeare) loading, cargo, also FRAUGHTAGE.
FUMARATESfumarates n. Plural of fumarate.
FUMARATE n. a salt of fumaric acid.
GRAFTAGESGRAFTAGE n. the process of grafting.
SEACRAFTSseacrafts n. Plural of seacraft.
SEACRAFT n. skill in navigation.
TAFFARELStaffarels n. Plural of taffarel.
TAFFAREL n. (Dutch) a rail around the stern of a ship, also TAFFRAIL, TAFFEREL.
ULTRASAFEultrasafe adj. Extremely safe.
ULTRASAFE adj. very very safe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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