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There are 19 nine-letter words containing 2A, E, M, O, R and T

AMARETTOSamarettos n. Plural of amaretto.
AMARETTO n. (Italian) a kind of liqueur flavoured with almonds.
AMETROPIAametropia n. (Medicine) Any of several disorders of the eye (spherical or cylindrical) resulting from faulty refractive ability.
AMETROPIA n. abnormal optical refraction.
AROMATASEaromatase n. (Biochemistry) An enzyme responsible for aromatization of androgen hormones into estrogens.
AROMATASE n. an enzyme involved in the production of oestrogen.
AROMATISEaromatise v. Alternative spelling of aromatize.
AROMATISE v. to render aromatic, also AROMATIZE.
AROMATIZEaromatize v. (Transitive) To make aromatic, fragrant, or spicy.
aromatize v. (Transitive, chemistry) To convert into an aromatic compound by means of a chemical reaction.
AROMATIZE v. to render aromatic, also AROMATISE.
ATEMPORALatemporal adj. Unaffected by time; timeless; permanent or unchanging.
ATEMPORAL adj. without consideration of time.
ATHEROMASatheromas n. Plural of atheroma.
ATHEROMA n. a fatty deposit in the lining of the arteries.
AUTOMAKERautomaker n. One who manufactures automobiles; typically used to refer to a large corporation such as General Motors.
AUTOMAKER n. a manufacturer of automobiles.
DREAMBOATdreamboat n. (Informal, dated or humorous) An exceptionally good-looking and sexually attractive person, particularly a man.
dreamboat n. (Slang, archaic) Anything considered highly desirable for its kind, especially a car.
DREAMBOAT n. someone wonderful and desirable, usually of the opposite sex.
EMANATORSemanators n. Plural of emanator.
EMANATOR n. one that emanates.
EMANATORYemanatory adj. Emanative; of the nature of an emanation.
EMANATORY adj. of the nature of an emanation.
GREMOLATAgremolata n. A paste of capers, parsley, lemon zest, olives and olive oil served as an accompaniment to meat or fish.
GREMOLATA n. (Italian) a colourful, flavorsome garnish, as of chopped parsley, lemon or orange peel etc.
KERATOMASkeratomas n. Plural of keratoma.
KERATOMA n. a skin disease.
MACERATORmacerator n. A machine that reduces solids to small pieces.
MACERATOR n. a person who fasts and becomes emaciated.
MATADORESmatadores n. Plural of matador.
MATADORE n. (Spanish) the man who kills the bull in bullfights, also MATADOR.
MATRONAGEmatronage n. The collective body of matrons.
matronage n. The state of being a matron.
MATRONAGE n. the state of a matron.
MATTAMOREmattamore n. An underground storage place for grain.
MATTAMORE n. a subterranean chamber, also MASSYMORE.
NEUROMATAneuromata n. Plural of neuroma.
NEUROMA n. a tumor developed on, or connected with, a nerve.
TERATOMASteratomas n. Plural of teratoma.
TERATOMA n. (Greek) a tumor, sometimes found in newborn children, which is made up of a mixture of tissues, as of bone, cartilage and muscle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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