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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing 2A, M, R, S and 2T

AFTERMASTaftermast n. (Nautical) A mast located towards the stern of a ship.
AFTERMAST n. the mast nearest the stern.
AMARETTOSamarettos n. Plural of amaretto.
AMARETTO n. (Italian) a kind of liqueur flavoured with almonds.
ATRAMENTSatraments n. Plural of atrament.
ATRAMENT n. (archaic) blacking; ink; any black fluid.
DRAMATISTdramatist n. Synonym of playwright.
DRAMATIST n. the author of a dramatic composition; a writer of plays.
MALTREATSmaltreats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of maltreat.
MALTREAT v. to treat badly.
MASTERATEmasterate n. A master’s degree.
MASTERATE n. (New Zealand) the status or dignity of a person holding a master's degree.
MATURATESmaturates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of maturate.
MATURATE v. to develop fully, also MATURE.
METATARSImetatarsi n. Plural of metatarsus.
METATARSUS n. that part of the skeleton of the hind or lower limb between the tarsus and the phalanges.
PATTAMARSpattamars n. Plural of pattamar.
PATTAMAR n. (Portuguese) a vessel resembling a grab, used in the coasting trade of Bombay and Ceylon, also PATAMAR.
STRATAGEMstratagem n. A tactic or artifice designed to gain the upper hand, especially one involving underhanded dealings or deception.
stratagem n. Specifically, such a tactic or artifice in military operation.
stratagem n. (Uncountable) Military deception or artifice.
TARANTISMtarantism n. An extreme urge to dance, popularly thought to have been caused by the bite of a tarantula (Lycosa tarantula)…
TARANTISM n. a dancing mania or malady of late medieval Europe, attributed popularly to the bite of a tarantula.
TERATOMASteratomas n. Plural of teratoma.
TERATOMA n. (Greek) a tumor, sometimes found in newborn children, which is made up of a mixture of tissues, as of bone, cartilage and muscle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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