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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, B, C, E, G, I and R

ALGEBRAICalgebraic adj. Of, or relating to, algebra.
algebraic adj. (Mathematics, of an expression, equation, or function) Containing only numbers, letters, and arithmetic operators.
algebraic adj. (Algebra, number theory, of a number) Which is a root of some polynomial whose coefficients are rational.
BIRDCAGESbirdcages n. Plural of birdcage.
bird-cages n. Plural of bird-cage.
BIRDCAGE n. a cage for birds.
BREACHINGbreaching v. Present participle of breach.
breaching n. The act by which something is breached.
BREACH v. to break through.
BREGMATICbregmatic adj. (Anatomy) Pertaining to the bregma.
BREGMATIC adj. relating to the bregma, the point of junction of the coronal and sagittal sutures of the skull, also BREGMATE.
BRICOLAGEbricolage n. (Uncountable) Construction using whatever was available at the time.
bricolage n. (Countable) Something constructed using whatever was available at the time.
BRICOLAGE n. (French) a construction using whatever comes to hand.
CABBAGIERCABBAGY adj. like a cabbage, also CABBAGEY.
CAMBERINGcambering v. Present participle of camber.
cambering n. A slight convexity or slope for drainage etc.; a camber.
CAMBERING n. a type of rock-folding that forms rounded hills.
CRIBBAGEScribbages n. Plural of cribbage.
CRIBBAGE n. a card game.
DECARBINGdecarbing v. Present participle of decarb.
DECARB v. to decarbonise.
EMBRACINGembracing v. Present participle of embrace.
embracing n. The act of embracing (in various senses).
EMBRACE v. to hug.
REBACKINGrebacking v. Present participle of reback.
rebacking n. The process by which a book is rebacked.
REBACK v. to replace the back of.
REBRACINGrebracing v. Present participle of rebrace.
REBRACE v. to brace again.
RIDGEBACKridgeback n. Any of three breeds of dog with a distinctive ridge of hair that runs against the grain of the rest…
RIDGEBACK n. a large hunting-dog.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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