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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, B, 2E, G, I and N

AUBERGINEaubergine n. (Britain) An Asian plant, Solanum melongena, cultivated for its edible purple, green, or white ovoid fruit; eggplant.
aubergine n. (Britain) The fruit of this plant, eaten as a vegetable.
aubergine n. (Color) A dark purple colour; eggplant.
BAREGINESBAREGINE n. (French) a gelatinous mass of bacteria and sulphur found in mineral waters.
BEAVERINGbeavering n. Hunting or trapping beaver.
beavering v. Present participle of beaver.
BEAVER v. to work hard.
BEFLEAINGbefleaing v. Present participle of beflea.
BEFLEA v. to infest with fleas.
BEGUINAGEbeguinage n. A walled community of small houses occupied by the Beguines.
BEGUINAGE n. (French) an establishment for beguins.
BEHEADINGbeheading v. Present participle of behead.
beheading n. An instance of a person being beheaded.
BEHEADING n. an execution by decapitation.
BELEAPINGbeleaping v. Present participle of beleap.
BELEAP v. to leap upon.
BEMEANINGbemeaning v. Present participle of bemean.
BEMEAN v. (archaic) to make mean, debase.
BENGALINEbengaline n. A fabric made from silk and worsted; poplin.
BENGALINE n. a crosswise ribbed fabric.
BEREAVINGbereaving v. Present participle of bereave.
BEREAVE v. to deprive esp. by death.
BERGENIASbergenias n. Plural of bergenia.
BERGENIA n. (German) any of various perennial plants of the genus Bergenia, of the saxifrage family.
BINGEABLEbingeable adj. On which one can binge.
BINGEABLE adj. easy to watch, eat, drink, etc. in large quantities.
DEBEAKINGdebeaking v. Present participle of debeak.
DEBEAK v. to remove the tip of the upper beak.
GABERDINEgaberdine n. Alternative form of gabardine (“long cloak”).
gaberdine n. Alternative form of gabardine (“textile”).
GABERDINE n. a closely woven twill fabric, also GABARDINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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