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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, B, E, G, I, R and S

ABORIGENSaborigens n. Plural of aborigen.
ABORIGEN n. an original or native inhabitant of a country, also ABORIGIN, ABORIGINE.
ABRIDGERSabridgers n. Plural of abridger.
ABRIDGER n. one who abridges.
AMBERGRISambergris n. A solid, waxy, flammable substance of a dull grey or blackish color, produced in the intestines of the…
amber-gris n. (Now largely obsolete and uncommon) Alternative spelling of ambergris.
amber␣gris n. (Now largely obsolete and uncommon) Alternative spelling of ambergris.
BAGPIPERSbagpipers n. Plural of bagpiper.
BAGPIPER n. one who plays the bagpipes.
BAREGINESBAREGINE n. (French) a gelatinous mass of bacteria and sulphur found in mineral waters.
BEGGARIESbeggaries n. Plural of beggary.
BEGGARY n. extreme poverty.
BERGENIASbergenias n. Plural of bergenia.
BERGENIA n. (German) any of various perennial plants of the genus Bergenia, of the saxifrage family.
BERRIGANSBERRIGAN n. an Australian tree with hanging branches.
BIGARADESbigarades n. Plural of bigarade.
BIGARADE n. (French) a bitter Seville orange.
BIRDCAGESbirdcages n. Plural of birdcage.
bird-cages n. Plural of bird-cage.
BIRDCAGE n. a cage for birds.
BRAGGIESTbraggiest adj. Superlative form of braggy: most braggy.
BRAGGY adj. tending to brag.
BREAKINGSbreakings n. Plural of breaking.
BREAKING n. the act of breaking.
BREASTINGbreasting v. Present participle of breast.
breasting n. (Engineering) The curved channel in which a breastwheel turns.
BREAST v. to confront boldly.
CRIBBAGEScribbages n. Plural of cribbage.
CRIBBAGE n. a card game.
GRABBIESTgrabbiest adj. Superlative form of grabby: most grabby.
GRABBY adj. tending to grab.
SABREWINGsabrewing n. A large neotropical hummingbird of the genus Campylopterus.
SABREWING n. a hummingbird of a group with bent outer primaries in the male.
VERBIAGESverbiages n. Plural of verbiage.
VERBIAGE n. a profusion of words usually of little or obscure content.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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