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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, B, E, I, L, M and T

BAILMENTSbailments n. Plural of bailment.
BAILMENT n. a delivery of goods in trust.
BEDLAMITEbedlamite n. (Obsolete) A lunatic.
BEDLAMITE n. an inhabitant of a madhouse.
BLASTEMICblastemic adj. Relating to a blastema.
BLASTEMIC adj. of or like a blastema, the protoplasmic part of an ovum.
BOMBILATEbombilate v. (Rare) To hum or buzz.
BOMBILATE v. to buzz, drone, also BOMBINATE.
CEMBALISTcembalist n. (Historical) An orchestral keyboard player; one who plays piano or harpsichord for an orchestra or ensemble.
CEMBALIST n. a person who plays a cembalo.
EMPTIABLEemptiable adj. Capable of being emptied.
EMPTIABLE adj. that can be emptied.
ESTIMABLEestimable adj. Worthy of esteem; admirable.
estimable adj. (Archaic) Valuable.
estimable adj. Capable of being estimated; estimatable.
ESTIMABLYestimably adv. In an estimable manner; deserving of esteem.
ESTIMABLE adv. worthy of regard.
IMMUTABLEimmutable adj. Unable to be changed without exception.
immutable adj. (Programming, of a variable) Not able to be altered in the memory after its value is set initially.
immutable n. Something that cannot be changed.
IMPUTABLEimputable adj. That may be imputed.
imputable adj. (Law) Accusable; culpable; chargeable with fault.
IMPUTABLE adj. that can be imputed.
LAMBITIVElambitive adj. Alternative form of lambative.
lambitive n. Alternative form of lambative.
LAMBITIVE n. (obsolete) a medicine taken by licking.
LIMITABLElimitable adj. Able to be limited.
LIMITABLE adj. that can be limited.
METABOLICmetabolic adj. Of or pertaining to metamorphosis; pertaining to, or involving, change.
metabolic adj. Of or pertaining to metabolism.
metabolic n. (Informal) A nutritional supplement.
MITIGABLEmitigable adj. That can be mitigated.
MITIGABLE adj. that may be mitigated.
SUBLIMATEsublimate v. (Transitive, intransitive, physics) To change state from a solid to a gas without passing through the liquid state.
sublimate v. (Transitive, archaic) To purify or refine a substance through such a change of state.
sublimate v. (Transitive, psychoanalysis) To modify the natural expression of a sexual or primitive instinct in a…
TIMETABLEtimetable n. A tabular schedule of events with the times at which they occur, especially times of arrivals and departures.
timetable n. A schedule of arrivals and departures published in book or booklet form, or as a pamphlet, and available…
timetable v. (Transitive) To arrange a specific time for (an event, a class, etc).
UMBRATILEumbratile adj. Shady, shadowy.
umbratile n. Someone who spends their time in shade or darkness.
UMBRATILE n. a person who spends his or her time in the shade or shadows.
WAMBLIESTWAMBLY adj. affected with, or causing, sickness; unsteady.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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