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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, B, E, 2L, R and T

ALBUTEROLalbuterol n. (Pharmacology) Synonym of salbutamol.
ALBUTEROL n. a drug used to treat lung diseases.
ALTERABLEalterable adj. Capable of being changed, changeable, mutable.
alterable n. Something that can be altered; a variable.
ALTERABLE adj. that can be altered.
ALTERABLYalterably adv. In an alterable manner.
ALTERABLE adv. that can be altered.
BALLASTERBALLASTER n. one who ballasts.
BALLOTERSballoters n. Plural of balloter.
BALLOTER n. one who votes by ballot.
BETHRALLSbethralls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bethrall.
BETHRALL v. (Spenser) to enslave.
BILATERALbilateral adj. Having two sides.
bilateral adj. Involving both sides equally.
bilateral adj. (Of an agreement) Binding on both of the two parties involved.
BILITERALbiliteral adj. Composed of two letters.
biliteral adj. Written in two different scripts.
BILITERAL adj. consisting of two letters; as, a biliteral root of a Sanskrit verb.
FILTRABLEfiltrable adj. Alternative form of filterable.
FILTRABLE adj. capable of being filtered, also FILTERABLE.
NETBALLERnetballer n. (Netball) A netball player.
NETBALLER n. one who plays netball.
RELATABLErelatable adj. Able to be related to something else; connected with.
relatable adj. Able to be related to on a personal level.
relatable adj. Able to be passed on verbally; capable of being narrated or suitable for relating.
TOLERABLEtolerable adj. Capable of being borne, tolerated or endured; bearable or endurable.
tolerable adj. Moderate in degree; mediocre; passable, acceptable or so-so.
tolerable adj. Such as to be tolerated or countenanced; permissible; allowable.
TOLERABLYtolerably adv. In a tolerable manner; to an extent that can be tolerated.
tolerably adv. (Dated) Reasonably; acceptably; somewhat.
TOLERABLE adv. that can be tolerated.
TRAILABLEtrailable adj. (Railways) Of a system of points: arranged so that the train may run through them in a trailing direction…
TRAILABLE adj. that can be trailed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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