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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing A, B, E, L, O and 2R

BARCAROLEbarcarole n. (Music) A Venetian folk song traditionally sung by gondoliers, often in 68 or 128 time with alternating…
barcarole n. (Music) A piece of music composed in imitation of such a song.
BARCAROLE n. (French) a gondolier's song, also BARCAROLLE.
BORRELIASborrelias n. Plural of borrelia.
BORRELIA n. a type of bacterium.
BURLADEROburladero n. (Bullfighting) A protective barrier behind which people in the bullring protect themselves from the bull.
BURLADERO n. (Spanish) the wooden barrier in a bullring used for protection.
LABOURERSlabourers n. Plural of labourer.
LABOURER n. one who labours, also LABORER.
LATERBORNlaterborn adj. That was born later than another.
LATERBORN n. someone born later.
LIBERATORliberator n. A person who frees or liberates.
Liberator prop.n. A surname.
LIBERATOR n. one who liberates.
ORDERABLEorderable adj. That may be ordered (obtained by placing an order).
orderable adj. That may be ordered (put in sequence).
ORDERABLE adj. that can be ordered.
OVERLABORoverlabor v. Alternative form of overlabour.
OVERLABOR v. to cause to labor excessively; to overwork, also OVERLABOUR.
RAZORABLErazorable adj. (Obsolete) Fit to be shaved.
RAZORABLE adj. (Shakespeare) fit to be shaved.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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