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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 8 nine-letter words containing A, B, E, N, 2R and S

ABERRANTSaberrants n. Plural of aberrant.
ABERRANT n. one who commits an aberration.
BANTERERSbanterers n. Plural of banterer.
BANTERER n. one who banters or rallies.
BARPERSONbarperson n. Someone who works in a bar, a bartender.
BARPERSON n. one who serves in a bar.
BARRENESTbarrenest adj. Superlative form of barren: most barren.
BARREN adj. unproductive.
BERRIGANSBERRIGAN n. an Australian tree with hanging branches.
BRANCHERSbranchers n. Plural of brancher.
BRANCHER n. a young hawk or other bird when it leaves the nest and begins to take to the branches.
NASEBERRYnaseberry n. The sapodilla fruit.
NASEBERRY n. an edible fruit, aka sapodilla, also NEESBERRY, NISBERRY.
STERNEBRAsternebra n. (Anatomy) One of the segments of the sternum.
STERNEBRA n. one of the segments of the sternum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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