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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, B, L, 2S, T and U

ABSOLUTESabsolutes n. Plural of absolute.
Absolutes n. Plural of Absolute.
ABSOLUTE n. something unconditional.
BALUSTERSbalusters n. Plural of baluster.
BALUSTER n. a small pillar supporting a stair-rail.
BLASTULASblastulas n. Plural of blastula.
BLASTULA n. (Greek) a hollow sphere of cells, one cell thick, formed in the cleavage of a fertilized ovum.
DUSTBALLSdustballs n. Plural of dustball.
DUSTBALL n. a ball of dust.
FABULISTSfabulists n. Plural of fabulist.
FABULIST n. one who invents fables.
GUSTABLESgustables n. Plural of gustable.
GUSTABLE n. something capable of being tasted.
SUBADULTSsubadults n. Plural of subadult.
SUBADULT n. an individual approaching adulthood.
SUBASTRALsubastral adj. Below the stars; earthly, terrestrial, mundane.
SUBASTRAL adj. beneath the stars or heavens; terrestrial.
SUBCOSTALsubcostal adj. (Anatomy) Below a rib or the ribs.
subcostal adj. (Entomology) Pertaining to the subcosta and/or the area of the wing next to it.
subcostal n. (Anatomy) A subcostal muscle.
SUBSTYLARsubstylar adj. Relating to a substyle.
SUBSTYLAR adj. pertaining to a substyle, the line on which the style or gnomon of a sundial stands.
SUBTOTALSsubtotals n. Plural of subtotal.
subtotals v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of subtotal.
SUBTOTAL v. to total a portion of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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