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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, B, O, R, S and 2T

ABATTOIRSabattoirs n. Plural of abattoir.
ABATTOIR n. (French) a public slaughterhouse.
BARBOTTESBARBOTTE n. a kind of large catfish, also BARBOT, BURBOT.
BAROSTATSbarostats n. Plural of barostat.
BAROSTAT n. an automatic device for regulating pressure, e.g. in an aircraft.
BAROTITISbarotitis n. (Pathology) otitic barotrauma.
BAROTITIS n. inflammation and pain in the ear caused by pressure changes, esp. during air travel.
BETATRONSbetatrons n. Plural of betatron.
BETATRON n. an electron accelerator.
BOATPORTSBOATPORT n. an enclosure for boats.
BOOTSTRAPbootstrap n. A loop (leather or other material) sewn at the side or top rear of a boot to help in pulling the boot on.
bootstrap n. A means of advancing oneself or accomplishing something without aid.
bootstrap n. (Computing) The process by which the operating system of a computer is loaded into its memory.
BOTTARGASBOTTARGA n. (Italian) a relish made of mullet or tunny roe, also BOTARGO.
OBTURATESobturates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of obturate.
OBTURATE v. to stop up.
STIRABOUTstirabout n. (Ireland) porridge.
stirabout n. (Ireland) A commotion.
STIRABOUT n. (Anglo-Irish) porridge; a bustle, commotion.
TABOURETStabourets n. Plural of tabouret.
TABOURET n. a low stool without a back or arms; a low stand or cabinet; an embroidery frame, also TABORET.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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