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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing A, C, E, I, O, R and Z

BEZOARDICbezoardic adj. Pertaining to, or compounded with, bezoar.
bezoardic n. A medicine containing bezoar.
BEZOARDIC adj. pertaining to, or compounded with, bezoar.
CALORIZEDcalorized v. Simple past tense and past participle of calorize.
CALORIZE v. to coat steel with aluminum, also CALORISE.
CALORIZEScalorizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of calorize.
CALORIZE v. to coat steel with aluminum, also CALORISE.
CANONIZERCANONIZER n. one who canonises, also CANONISER.
CARBOLIZEcarbolize v. (Medicine, transitive) To wash or treat with carbolic acid.
CARBOLIZE v. to treat or disinfect with phenol, also CARBOLISE.
CARBONIZEcarbonize v. To turn something to carbon, especially by heating it; to scorch or blacken.
carbonize v. (Chemistry) To react something with carbon.
CARBONIZE v. to turn into carbon, also CARBONISE.
FACTORIZEfactorize v. (Mathematics, transitive) To create a list of the factors of.
factorize v. (Mathematics, transitive) To divide an expression into a list of items that, when multiplied together…
factorize v. (US, transitive) To warn not to pay or give up goods.
LOCALIZERlocalizer n. (Computing, translation studies) A person who localizes (adapts a product for use in a particular country…
localizer n. (Aviation) The component of an instrument landing system that provides runway centerline guidance to…
LOCALIZER n. one who localises, also LOCALISER.
NARCOTIZEnarcotize v. (Transitive) To use a narcotic in order to make (someone) drowsy or insensible; to anesthetize, to drug.
narcotize v. (Transitive) To dull the senses of (A person, place etc.).
narcotize v. (Transitive) To make into a narcotic.
OSTRACIZEostracize v. (Transitive, Ancient Greece, historical) To ban a person from a city for five or ten years through the…
ostracize v. (By extension) To exclude a person from a community or from society by not communicating with them or…
OSTRACIZE v. to exclude from a group by common consent, also OSTRACISE.
RHOTACIZErhotacize v. To pronounce with an exaggerated ’R’ sound (a rhotacism).
rhotacize v. (Phonology) To change a consonant to an ’R’ sound under certain circumstances.
RHOTACIZE v. to change to an r- sound, esp. from z, also RHOTACISE.
VOCALIZERvocalizer n. One who vocalizes.
VOCALIZER n. one who vocalizes, also VOCALISER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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