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There are 19 nine-letter words containing A, C, 2I, 2N and O

ACONITINEaconitine n. (Organic chemistry) An intensely poisonous alkaloid, extracted from aconite.
ACONITINE n. a poisonous alkaloid obtained from aconite.
ACTIONINGactioning v. Present participle of action.
ACTION v. to carry out.
ANICONISManiconism n. A prohibition against artists depicting religious figures such as divinities, prophets, or anything…
aniconism n. More broadly, a prohibition against all forms of visual artwork and photography.
ANICONISM n. the worship of an object symbolising but not representing a god.
ANICONISTaniconist n. A proponent of aniconism.
aniconist adj. Pertaining to aniconism.
ANICONIST n. one who practises aniconism, the worship of an object symbolising but not representing a god.
ANTIMONICantimonic adj. Of or containing antimony.
antimonic adj. (Inorganic chemistry) Containing pentavalent antimony.
ANTIMONIC adj. containing pentavalent antimony.
ANTINOMICantinomic adj. Exhibiting or pertaining to antinomy; contradictory.
ANTINOMIC adj. relating to, or of the nature of, an antinomy, a contradiction between two logical conclusions, also ANTINOMICAL.
CLINTONIAclintonia n. (Botany) Any of the genus Clintonia of herbaceous perennials.
CLINTONIA n. any temperate liliaceous plant of the genus Clintonia having broad basal leaves and white or yellowish or purplish flowers followed by blue or black berries.
CONTADINIcontadini n. Plural of contadino.
CONTADINO n. (Italian) a (male) Italian peasant.
INACTIONSinactions n. Plural of inaction.
INACTION n. lack of action.
INCAUTIONincaution n. A lack of caution.
INCAUTION n. want of caution.
INCOGNITAincognita n. A woman who is unknown or in disguise.
incognita n. (Of a woman) The state of being in disguise. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
incognita adj. Of a woman: without being known; in an assumed character, or under an assumed title; in disguise.
INORGANICinorganic adj. (Chemistry) relating to a compound that does not contain carbon.
inorganic adj. That does not originate in a living organism.
inorganic n. (Chemistry) An inorganic compound.
INSOMNIACinsomniac n. One who suffers an inability or difficulty sleeping; a sufferer from insomnia.
insomniac adj. Suffering from or pertaining to insomnia.
INSOMNIAC n. one who suffers from insomnia.
NICOTIANAnicotiana n. (Horticulture) Any ornamental plant of the genus Nicotiana.
nicotiana n. Literature dealing with tobacco-smoking.
Nicotiana prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Solanaceae – the tobacco plants.
NICOTIANSNICOTIAN n. a tobacco smoker.
NICTATIONnictation n. An act or instance of winking or blinking; a wink, a blink.
NICTATION n. the act of winking, also NICTITATION.
NONACIDICnonacidic adj. Not acidic.
NONACIDIC adj. not acidic.
ONANISTIConanistic adj. Of or pertaining to masturbation (onanism).
onanistic adj. In a manner which suggests masturbation; hence, fruitless, self-congratulatory, self-absorbed, pointless.
ONANISTIC adj. relating to onanism.
POINCIANApoinciana n. A tropical tree, Delonix regia, with bright red flowers, native to Madagascar and now widely cultivated…
poinciana n. A tropical shrub, Caesalpinia pulcherrima, with bright orange-red flowers, originally native to the…
POINCIANA n. a tree of the tropical genus Poinciana, having racemes of showy orange-red flowers with long crimson filaments.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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