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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, 2E, H, O, P and R

AEROPHOBEaerophobe n. A person who is afraid of flying.
AEROPHOBE n. a person with a fear of flying.
AEROPHONEaerophone n. Any musical instrument which produces sound primarily by causing a body of air to vibrate, without the…
aerophone n. (Dated) A form of combined speaking trumpet and ear trumpet.
aerophone n. (Dated) An instrument for greatly intensifying speech, consisting of a phonograph diaphragm arranged…
AEROPHOREaerophore n. (Botany) A thin-walled area of the roots of some plants growing in swampy conditions through which gasses…
aerophore n. (Medicine) Aerophore pulmonaire; a respirator for use with neonates and small animals developed by French…
aerophore n. (Historical) A predecessor of the radio, invented by Rene Homer in the early 1900s for communication between ships.
AEROPHYTEaerophyte n. (Biology) epiphyte.
AEROPHYTE n. a plant obtaining all its nourishment from the air; an epiphyte.
CANEPHOREcanephore n. Alternative form of canephora.
CANEPHORE n. (Greek) a sculpted figure carrying a basket on the head, also CANEPHOR, CANEPHORA, CANEPHORUS.
CHAPERONEchaperone n. An older person who accompanies other younger people to ensure the propriety of their behaviour, often…
chaperone n. (Biochemistry) A protein that assists the non-covalent folding/unfolding and the assembly/disassembly…
chaperone n. (UK, business) An employee sent by a British company to the European Union to work with a client there…
EARPHONESearphones n. A pair of small loudspeakers worn inside each outer ear or covering all or part of the ear, without…
earphones n. Plural of earphone.
EARPHONE n. a headphone.
EPHORATESephorates n. Plural of ephorate.
EPHORATE n. the office of ephor, one of a body of five magistrates chosen by the people of ancient Sparta.
HEADROPESheadropes n. Plural of headrope.
HEADROPE n. that part of a boltrope which is sewed to the upper edge or head of a sail.
OREPEARCHOREPEARCH v. (Shakespeare) to fly up and perch on, also OVERPERCH.
OVERHEAPSoverheaps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overheap.
OVERHEAP v. to heap up to excess.
SEMAPHOREsemaphore n. Any equipment used for visual signalling by means of flags, lights, or mechanically moving arms, which…
semaphore n. (Figurative) A visual system for transmitting information using the above equipment; especially, by…
semaphore n. (Computing) A bit, token, fragment of code, or some other mechanism which is used to restrict access…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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