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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, E, H, O, P, R and T

AEROPHYTEaerophyte n. (Biology) epiphyte.
AEROPHYTE n. a plant obtaining all its nourishment from the air; an epiphyte.
APHRODITEaphrodite n. (Mineralogy) A soft and earthy mineral of a white or yellowish color, and with a waxy lustre, found…
Aphrodite prop.n. (Greek mythology) The goddess of beauty and love, born when Cronus castrated his father, Uranus, and…
Aphrodite prop.n. A female given name from Ancient Greek.
ASTROPHELAstrophel n. A male lover similar to that in the poem Astrophel and Stella.
ASTROPHEL n. (Spenser) an unidentified bitter starlike plant, possibly aster, also ASTROFELL.
ATROPHIEDatrophied v. Simple past tense and past participle of atrophy.
atrophied adj. Characterized by atrophy.
ATROPHY v. to waste away.
ATROPHIESatrophies n. Plural of atrophy.
ATROPHY v. to waste away.
CHASEPORTchaseport n. Alternative form of chase port.
chase␣port n. (Nautical) A hole cut in the bow of a ship through which a chase gun could fire directly ahead.
CHASEPORT n. the porthole at the bow or stern of a naval ship.
EPHORALTYephoralty n. The rank or office of an ephor.
ephoralty n. The body of ephors collectively.
EPHORALTY n. the office of an ephor, or the body of ephors.
EPHORATESephorates n. Plural of ephorate.
EPHORATE n. the office of ephor, one of a body of five magistrates chosen by the people of ancient Sparta.
GRAPESHOTgrapeshot n. (Historical) A cluster of small iron balls, put together in a canvas bag in order to be used as a charge for a cannon.
GRAPESHOT n. clustered iron shot that scatters when fired.
HAPTERONShapterons n. Plural of hapteron.
HAPTERON n. a holdfast or attachment organ of a plant thallus.
HEATPROOFheatproof adj. Insulating and incombustible.
heatproof v. (Transitive) To make insulating and incombustible.
heat-proof adj. Unable to be affected or damaged by heat.
HONEYTRAPhoneytrap n. Alternative spelling of honey trap.
honey-trap n. Alternative form of honey trap.
honey␣trap n. (Idiomatic) The use of a romantic or a sexual relationship to entice a person into revealing secret information.
HOURPLATEhourplate n. The face of a clock, on which the hours are numbered.
HOURPLATE n. a timepiece dial.
METAPHORSmetaphors n. Plural of metaphor.
metaphors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of metaphor.
METAPHOR n. implied comparison achieved through a figurative use of words.
NEUROPATHneuropath n. (Medicine, dated) A person with neuropathy, perhaps also including (in outdated nosology) a neurosis…
neuropath n. (Medicine, historical) A physician with specialization in neuropathy, corresponding to today’s specialties…
NEUROPATH n. one who believes in nervous origin of most diseases.
OUTPREACHoutpreach v. (Transitive) To surpass in preaching.
OUTPREACH v. to surpass in preaching.
PLETHORASplethoras n. Plural of plethora.
PLETHORA n. (Greek) an excess, a superfluity.
PORCHETTAporchetta n. A savory and moist boneless pork roast, part of Italian cuisine.
PORCHETTA n. (Italian) seasoned boneless roast pork cut from a whole roast pig.
POTHECARYpothecary n. Obsolete form of apothecary.
POTSHARESpotshares n. Plural of potshare.
POTSHARE n. a fragment of broken pottery, also POTSHERD, POTSHARD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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