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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 9 nine-letter words containing A, E, 2M, N, R and T

ARMAMENTSarmaments n. Plural of armament.
ARMAMENT n. a military force equipped for war.
ENTRAMMELentrammel v. (Transitive) To hamper by entangling.
ENTRAMMEL v. to trammel; to entangle.
FIRMAMENTfirmament n. (Usually uncountable, literary, poetic, also figuratively) The vault of the heavens, where the clouds…
firmament n. (Countable) The field or sphere of an activity or interest.
firmament n. (Uncountable, astronomy, historical) In the geocentric Ptolemaic system, the eighth celestial sphere…
MANOMETERmanometer n. An instrument to measure pressure in a fluid, especially a double-legged liquid column gauge used to…
MANOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the pressure of a liquid or gas.
MANOMETRYmanometry n. (Physics) The measurement of pressure using a manometer.
MANOMETRY n. the measurement of the pressure of fluids.
MOMENTARYmomentary adj. Lasting for only a moment.
momentary adj. Happening at every moment; perpetual.
momentary adj. Ephemeral or relatively short-lived.
MORTARMENmortarmen n. Plural of mortarman.
MORTARMAN n. a person firing a mortar.
SARMENTUMsarmentum n. (Botany) A runner.
SARMENTUM n. (Latin) a long whiplike runner, leafless except at the tip, also SARMENT.
TIMBERMANtimberman n. A lumberman.
timberman n. A timber dealer.
timberman n. A person who installs timbers in a mine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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