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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, F, I, L, M, O and R

CAULIFORMcauliform adj. Having the form of a caulis.
CAULIFORM adj. shaped like or resembling a stem.
CLAVIFORMclaviform adj. (Chiefly biology) Larger at the tip than at the base; club-shaped.
claviform n. (Palaeography) An image or symbol which is club-shaped, that is, larger at the tip than at the base.
claviform adj. (Chiefly biology) Shaped like a nail (“a metallic spike-shaped fastener”).
FALCIFORMfalciform adj. Sickle-shaped.
FALCIFORM adj. shaped like a sickle.
FORAMINALforaminal adj. Relating to the foramen.
FORAMINAL adj. relating to the foramen, a small opening, perforation, or orifice.
FORMALINEformaline n. Formaldehyde.
FORMALINE n. a 40 per cent solution of formaldehyde in water, used as a disinfectant, also FORMALIN.
FORMALINSformalins n. Plural of formalin.
FORMALIN n. an aqueous solution of formaldehyde, used as a disinfectant, preservative for biological specimens, etc., also FORMALINE.
FORMALISEformalise v. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of formalize.
FORMALISE v. to make formal, also FORMALIZE.
FORMALISMformalism n. Strict adherence to a given form of conduct, practice etc.
formalism n. (Computing) One of several alternative computational paradigms for a given theory.
formalism n. (Literature) An approach to interpretation and/or evaluation focused on the (usually linguistic) structure…
FORMALISTformalist n. An overly formal person, especially one who adheres to current forms; a stickler.
formalist n. An advocate of formalism.
formalist adj. Of or pertaining to formalism; formalistic.
FORMALITYformality n. (Uncountable) The state of being formal.
formality n. Something said or done as a matter of form.
formality n. A customary ritual without new or unique meaning.
FORMALIZEformalize v. To give something a definite form; to shape.
formalize v. To give something a formal or official standing.
formalize v. To act with formality.
FORMULAICformulaic adj. Closely following a formula or predictable pattern; imitative, not original.
FORMULAIC adj. of the nature of a formula.
FUMAROLICfumarolic adj. Of or relating to a fumarole or fumaroles.
FUMAROLIC adj. of or like a fumarole, a hole in a volcanic region from which hot gases and vapors issue.
GALEIFORMgaleiform adj. Having the shape of a galea.
GALEIFORM adj. helmet-shaped.
LANCIFORMlanciform adj. Having the form of a lance.
LANCIFORM adj. shaped like a lance.
LARVIFORMlarviform adj. (Zoology) Having the form or structure of a larva.
LARVIFORM adj. having the form or structure of a larva.
ORIFLAMMEoriflamme n. (History) The red silk banner of St Denis, which the abbot of St Denis gave to French kings as they rode to war.
oriflamme n. (Figuratively) Any banner, idea or principle which serves as a rallying point for those involved in a struggle.
oriflamme n. (Literary) Something resembling the banner of St Denis; a bright, shining object.
PROFAMILYprofamily adj. In favour of the traditional social construct of the family.
PROFAMILY adj. supportive of the family.
RALLIFORMralliform adj. Belonging to the rails of family Rallidae.
RALLIFORM adj. of the rail family of birds.
SALPIFORMsalpiform adj. Resembling a salp.
SALPIFORM adj. shaped like a barrel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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