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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, G, 2I, 2L and R

ARGILLITEargillite n. (Geology) A fine-grained sedimentary rock, intermediate between shale and slate, sometimes used as a…
ARGILLITE n. an indurated clay rock.
BRAILLINGbrailling n. (Colloquial) A form of cheating in the board game Scrabble, where a player drawing tiles from the bag…
BRAILLE v. to write in raised print for the blind.
CIGARILLOcigarillo n. A thin cigar, differing from a cigarette in being wrapped with tobacco leaves rather than paper.
CIGARILLO n. (Spanish) a small cigar.
GORILLIANgorillian adj. (Rare, nonstandard) of, relating to, or resembling a gorilla.
GORILLIAN adj. of or like a gorilla, also GORILLINE, GORILLOID.
GRISAILLEgrisaille n. (Art) In painting, a method of working which employs only varying values of gray to create form. Often…
grisaille n. A stained-glass window in this style.
GRISAILLE n. (French) a painting in tones of a single color, esp. gray, to represent objects in relief.
MILLIGRAMmilligram n. An SI unit of mass, equivalent to one thousandth of a gram. Symbol: mg.
MILLIGRAM n. a thousandth of a gram, also MILLIGRAMME.
PILGARLICpilgarlic n. (Archaic) A bald-headed person.
pilgarlic n. (Archaic) A pitiable or foolish person.
PILGARLIC n. a bald person; a person looked upon with humorous contempt or mock pity, also PEELGARLIC, PILGARLICK.
PILLARINGpillaring v. Present participle of pillar.
pillaring n. (Meteorology) Rapid rising of smoke clouds due to heat generated by burning munitions and/or existing…
PILLAR v. to supply with vertical building supports.
RAILINGLYrailingly adv. With scoffing or insulting language.
RAILING adv. jeering.
RIVALLINGrivalling v. (UK) present participle of rival.
RIVAL v. to strive to equal or surpass.
SIGILLARYsigillary adj. Relating to a seal or sigil.
SIGILLARY adj. of or pertaining to a seal.
TRIALLINGtrialling v. (British spelling) (Canadian spelling, common) present participle of trial.
trialling n. The process of running a trial; an experiment or pilot.
trialling n. The running of trial races, especially for horses or greyhounds.
VILLAGIERVILLAGEY adj. pertaining to or characteristic of a village.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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