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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing A, G, I, L, M, N and U

ALARUMINGalaruming v. (Archaic, rare) present participle of alarum.
ALARUM v. (archaic) to alarm, also LARUM.
AMUSINGLYamusingly adv. In an amusing manner.
AMUSING adv. AMUSE, to entertain.
AUMAILINGaumailing v. Present participle of aumail.
AUMAIL v. (archaic) to enamel.
BEMAULINGbemauling v. Present participle of bemaul.
BEMAUL v. (archaic) to maul or beat severely; to bruise.
EMULATINGemulating v. Present participle of emulate.
EMULATE v. to strive to equal or excel; to imitate, also AEMULE, EMULE.
GLUTAMINEglutamine n. (Biochemistry) A nonessential amino acid C5H10N2O3 found in most animal and plant proteins.
GLUTAMINE n. a neutral amino acid found in proteins.
GUILDSMANguildsman n. A male member of a guild.
GUILDSMAN n. a member of a guild, also GILDSMAN.
MAGNALIUMmagnalium n. An alloy of 75% aluminium with about 25% magnesium.
MAGNALIUM n. an alloy of magnesium and aluminum.
MAULGRINGMAULGRE v. to show spite towards, also MALGRE, MAUGRE.
MULLAHINGmullahing v. Present participle of mullah.
MULLAH v. to inflict a severe defeat upon, also MULLER.
MULLIGANSmulligans n. Plural of mulligan.
Mulligans prop.n. Plural of Mulligan.
MULLIGAN n. a stew of meat and vegetables.
QUALMINGSQUALMING n. the state of having a qualm.
TALCUMINGtalcuming v. Present participle of talcum.
TALCUM v. to treat with a powder made from talc.
UMLAUTINGumlauting v. Present participle of umlaut.
UMLAUT v. to place an umlaut over.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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