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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing A, 2I, L, 2N and S

ANILINGUSanilingus n. A form of oral sex in which the tongue and lips are used for stimulation of a sexual partner’s anus.
ANILINGUS n. oral stimulation of the anus, also ANILINCTUS.
ASININELYasininely adv. In an asinine manner; very foolishly.
ASININE adv. of or like an ass; stupid.
BIENNIALSbiennials n. Plural of biennial.
BIENNIAL n. something e.g. a plant occurring every two years; lasting for two years.
INLAYINGSinlayings n. Plural of inlaying.
INLAYING n. the act of inlaying.
ISLANDINGislanding v. Present participle of island.
islanding n. The condition of a distributed generation (DG) generator continuing to power a location even though…
ISLAND v. to set or dot with or as with islands.
MAINLINESmainlines v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of mainline.
main␣lines n. Plural of main line.
MAINLINE v. to inject a narcotic into a major vein.
PLAININGSplainings n. Plural of plaining.
PLAINING n. (Shakespeare) complaint.
ROSANILINROSANILIN n. a reddish-brown derivative of anilin used as a dye.
SAINTLINGsaintling n. An unimportant saint.
SAINTLING n. a little saint.
SIGNALINGsignaling v. (American spelling) present participle of signal.
signaling n. (American spelling, usually biochemistry) The sending of a biochemical or other type of signal.
SIGNALING n. the act of sending a signal.
VANILLINSvanillins n. Plural of vanillin.
VANILLIN n. a white crystalline aldehyde having a burning taste and characteristic odor of vanilla, extracted from vanilla pods.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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