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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing A, I, Q, R, S, T and U

ANTIQUERSantiquers n. Plural of antiquer.
ANTIQUER n. one who antiques, ages furniture.
AQUARIISTaquariist n. (Dated) One who keeps fish in an aquarium.
AQUARIIST n. (obsolete) a curator of an aquarium, also AQUARIST.
AQUARISTSaquarists n. Plural of aquarist.
AQUARIST n. a curator of an aquarium, also AQUARIIST.
GRASSQUITgrassquit n. Any of several small tropical birds now placed in the tanager family Thraupidae (but previously in Emberizidae)…
GRASSQUIT n. a tropical American finch.
PRATIQUESpratiques n. Plural of pratique.
PRATIQUE n. (French) permission granted to a ship to use a port after quarantine or on showing a clean bill of health.
QUANTISERquantiser n. Alternative form of quantizer.
QUANTISER n. one who quantises, expresses in terms of quanta, also QUANTIZER.
QUARTIERSquartiers n. Plural of quartier.
QUARTIER n. (French) a specified district in a French town or city.
QUARTILESquartiles n. Plural of quartile.
QUARTILE n. an aspect of the planets when their longitudes differ by 90.
QUATRAINSquatrains n. Plural of quatrain.
QUATRAIN n. a stanza of four lines rhyming alternately.
REQUITALSrequitals n. Plural of requital.
REQUITAL n. payment in return.
SQUATTIERsquattier adj. Comparative form of squatty: more squatty.
SQUATTY adj. squat, dumpy.
SQUIRALTYsquiralty n. The land-owning gentry; the squirearchy.
TAQUERIAStaquerias n. Plural of taqueria.
taquerías n. Plural of taquería.
TAQUERIA n. (Spanish) a Mexican restaurant serving mainly tacos.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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