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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing A, L, M, N, O, R and S

ABNORMALSabnormals n. Plural of abnormal.
ABNORMAL n. a mentally deficient person.
ALMONRIESalmonries n. Plural of almonry.
ALMONRY n. a place where alms are distributed.
AMELCORNSAMELCORN n. (German) a variety of wheat from which starch is produced.
CORNMEALScornmeals n. Plural of cornmeal.
CORNMEAL n. meal made from corn.
FORMALINSformalins n. Plural of formalin.
FORMALIN n. an aqueous solution of formaldehyde, used as a disinfectant, preservative for biological specimens, etc., also FORMALINE.
LANDFORMSlandforms n. Plural of landform.
LANDFORM n. a natural feature of the earth's surface.
MANDORLASmandorlas n. Plural of mandorla.
MANDORLA n. (Italian) any almond-shaped object or ornament, esp. (in painting, sculpture) area of light surrounding the risen Christ.
MARLSTONEmarlstone n. (Geology) Marl when hardened into stone.
MARLSTONE n. a sandy calcareous stratum, containing, or impregnated with, iron, and lying between the upper and lower Lias of England.
MESTRANOLmestranol n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic estrogen used chiefly in oral contraceptives, in combination with a progestational…
MESTRANOL n. a synthetic oestrogen used in oral contraceptives.
MONORAILSmonorails n. Plural of monorail.
MONORAIL n. a railway running on one track.
MOORLANDSmoorlands n. Plural of moorland.
MOORLAND n. a tract of marshy land.
NORMALISEnormalise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of normalize.
NORMALISE v. to make normal; to bring within or cause to conform to normal standards or limits, also NORMALIZE.
PLANFORMSplanforms n. Plural of planform.
PLANFORM n. the contour of an object as viewed from above.
PROLAMINSprolamins n. Plural of prolamin.
PROLAMIN n. one of a group of proteins found in wheat and rye, also PROLAMINE.
SALMONIERSALMONY adj. of or like a salmon.
SUBNORMALsubnormal adj. Less than normal.
subnormal adj. (Computing theory) denormal.
subnormal n. A person whose abilities are less than normal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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