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There are 17 nine-letter words containing A, L, P, R, 2S and U

APLUSTRESaplustres n. Plural of aplustre.
APLUSTRE n. (Latin) an ornamental appendage of wood at a ship's stern, usually spreading like a fan and curved like a bird's feather.
LARKSPURSlarkspurs n. Plural of larkspur.
LARKSPUR n. any of various ranunculaceous plants of the genus Delphinium.
PARULISESPARULIS n. (Greek) a small suppurating inflamed spot on the gum, aka gumboil.
PERTUSSALpertussal adj. Pertaining to pertussis or whooping-cough.
PERTUSSAL adj. relating to pertussis, whooping cough.
PLASTRUMSPLASTRUM n. a fencer's padded breast-shield; the underside of a turtle's shell, also PLASTRON.
PLEASURESpleasures n. Plural of pleasure.
pleasures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of pleasure.
PLEASURE v. to give enjoyment or satisfaction to.
PLIOSAURSpliosaurs n. Plural of pliosaur.
PLIOSAUR n. a type of fossil marine reptile.
PROLAPSUSprolapsus n. (Medicine) prolapse.
PROLAPSUS n. (Latin) a prolapse.
PULSATORSpulsators n. Plural of pulsator.
PULSATOR n. something that pulsates.
PURSLAINSpurslains n. Plural of purslain.
PURSLAIN n. a pot herb and salad herb, also PERSELINE, PURSLANE.
PURSLANESpurslanes n. Plural of purslane.
PURSLANE n. a pot herb and salad herb, also PERSELINE, PURSLAIN.
SCALPRUMSSCALPRUM n. (Latin) a surgeon's rasping instrument.
SCAPULARSscapulars n. Plural of scapular.
SCAPULAR n. a loose sleeveless vestment falling in front and behind, worn by certain religious orders, also SCAPULARY.
SPURGALLSspurgalls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of spurgall.
SPURGALL v. to injure with a spur.
SUPERSALEsupersale n. (Informal) A sale offering exceptional discounts.
SUPERSALE n. a big sale.
SUPERSALTsupersalt n. (Chemistry, obsolete) A salt with an excess of acid, such as supertartrate of potash.
SUPERSALT n. an acid salt.
SURPRISALsurprisal n. (Obsolete, military) A surprise attack or ambush; a sudden or unexpected assault.
surprisal n. (Obsolete) A sudden coming-upon someone or something unexpectedly or unawares.
surprisal n. (Obsolete) A surprising event or occurrence.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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