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There are 19 words containing 4A, C, H and L

ACHALASIAachalasia n. (Medicine) A neuromuscular condition where a ring of muscles is unable to relax fully, causing obstruction…
ACHALASIA n. (Greek) failure of the muscles of the lower part of the oesophagus to relax, which prevents food from passing into the stomach.
CHAKALAKAchakalaka n. A spicy African vegetable relish traditionally served with bread, pap, samp, stews, and curries.
CHAKALAKA n. (South African) a relish of tomatoes, onions and spices.
ACHALASIASachalasias n. Plural of achalasia.
ACHALASIA n. (Greek) failure of the muscles of the lower part of the oesophagus to relax, which prevents food from passing into the stomach.
CHAKALAKASCHAKALAKA n. (South African) a relish of tomatoes, onions and spices.
BACCHANALIAbacchanalia n. Any wild, orgiastic party or celebration.
Bacchanalia n. (Greek mythology) A feast or an orgy in honor of Bacchus.
Bacchanalia n. (By extension) A drunken feast; drunken revels; an orgy.
BACCHANALIANbacchanalian adj. Alternative letter-case form of Bacchanalian.
bacchanalian n. Alternative letter-case form of Bacchanalian.
Bacchanalian adj. Of or pertaining to the festival of Bacchus; relating to or given to reveling and drunkenness.
BACCHANALIASbacchanalias n. Plural of bacchanalia.
ANATHEMATICALanathematical adj. Anathematic.
ANATHEMATICAL n. an anathema, a formal act or formula of consigning to damnation.
BACCHANALIANSbacchanalians n. Plural of bacchanalian.
Bacchanalians n. Plural of Bacchanalian.
BACCHANALIAN n. a drunken reveller, also BACCHANAL.
CHARLATANICALcharlatanical adj. Of or like a charlatan; making undue pretension; quackish.
CHARLATANICAL adj. of or like a charlatan, also CHARLATANIC, CHARLATANISTIC.
PARAGRAPHICALparagraphical adj. Alternative form of paragraphic.
PARAGRAPHICAL adj. relating to paragraphs, also PARAGRAPHIC.
ANATHEMATICALSANATHEMATICAL n. an anathema, a formal act or formula of consigning to damnation.
PARAPHRASTICALparaphrastical adj. Alternative form of paraphrastic.
PARAPHRASTICAL adj. of the nature of a paraphrase, also PARAPHRASTIC.
ACANTHOCEPHALANacanthocephalan n. Any of parasitic intestinal worms comprising the phylum Acanthocephala.
acanthocephalan adj. In a manner similar to Acanthocephala.
ACANTHOCEPHALAN adj. belonging to the Acanthocephala, a division of parasitic worms with spiny proboscis.
BACCHANALIANISMbacchanalianism n. The practice of bacchanalians; bacchanals; drunken revelry.
BACCHANALIANISM n. wild revelry.
PALAEOGRAPHICALpalaeographical adj. Of or pertaining to palaeography.
palæographical adj. Obsolete spelling of paleographical.
PALAEOGRAPHICAL adj. related to palaeography, the study of ancient writings, also PALEOGRAPHIC.
PARAGRAPHICALLYparagraphically adv. In paragraphs; divided into paragraphs.
PARAGRAPHICAL adv. relating to paragraphs, also PARAGRAPHIC.
THALAMENCEPHALAthalamencephala n. Plural of thalamencephalon.
THALAMENCEPHALA plural of thalamencephalon (which has sixteenletters), the part of the diencephalon of the brain that includes the thalamus, pineal gland, and adjacent structures.
WHATCHAMACALLITwhatchamacallit n. (Slang) A metasyntactic term used for any object whose actual name the speaker does not know or cannot…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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