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There are 15 words containing 3A, B, M and 2N

AMBULANCEMANambulanceman n. A man who is a driver of an ambulance or a member of its crew.
AMBULANCEMAN n. one who operates an ambulance.
MAINTAINABLEmaintainable adj. (Chiefly in combination) Able to be maintained.
MAINTAINABLE adj. capable of being maintained.
UNMANAGEABLEunmanageable adj. Not manageable; not readily submitting to handling or management; not easily restrained, governed, or directed.
UNMANAGEABLE adj. not capable of being managed.
UNMANAGEABLYunmanageably adv. In an unmanageable manner; uncontrollably.
UNMANAGEABLE adv. not capable of being managed.
AMBULANCEWOMANambulancewoman n. The female equivalent of an ambulanceman.
AMBULANCEWOMAN n. a woman who drives an ambulance.
CYANOCOBALAMINcyanocobalamin n. (Biochemistry) A synthetic form of vitamin B12 (cobalamin).
CYANOCOBALAMIN n. vitamin B12, which has a large and complicated molecule, in one form including a cyanide group, in all forms including a cobalt atom, also CYANOCOBALAMINE.
MANAGEABLENESSmanageableness n. The state of being manageable; tractableness; docility.
MANAGEABLE n. that can be managed.
TRANSABDOMINALtransabdominal adj. (Anatomy, surgery) Across or through the abdominal wall.
UNMAINTAINABLEunmaintainable adj. Not maintainable.
UNMAINTAINABLE adj. not maintainable.
BACCHANALIANISMbacchanalianism n. The practice of bacchanalians; bacchanals; drunken revelry.
BACCHANALIANISM n. wild revelry.
CYANOCOBALAMINEcyanocobalamine n. Alternative form of cyanocobalamin.
CYANOCOBALAMINE n. vitamin B12, which has a large and complicated molecule, in one form including a cyanide group, in all forms including a cobalt atom, also CYANOCOBALAMIN.
CYANOCOBALAMINScyanocobalamins n. Plural of cyanocobalamin.
CYANOCOBALAMIN n. vitamin B12, which has a large and complicated molecule, in one form including a cyanide group, in all forms including a cobalt atom, also CYANOCOBALAMINE.
MAINTAINABILITYmaintainability n. The ease with which something can be maintained.
MAINTAINABILITY n. the state of being maintainable.
METACINNABARITEmetacinnabarite n. (Mineralogy) sulphide of mercury in a black isometric form.
METACINNABARITE n. the black solid form of mercuric sulphide.
UNMANAGEABILITYunmanageability n. Unmanageableness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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