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There are 12 words containing 3A, 2E and 2M

ANTIMANAGEMENTantimanagement adj. (Business) In opposition to management.
ANTIMANAGEMENT adj. opposed to management.
HAEMATOTHERMALhaematothermal adj. Warm-blooded; homoiothermal.
HAEMATOTHERMAL adj. of birds and mammals, having a constant body temperature, usually higher than the temperature of the surroundings, also HEMATOTHERMAL.
HAMAMELIDACEOUShamamelidaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the Hamamelidaceae.
HAMAMELIDACEOUS adj. belonging to the witch-hazel family.
HYPOMAGNESAEMIAhypomagnesaemia n. Alternative spelling of hypomagnesemia.
HYPOMAGNESAEMIA n. a deficiency of magnesium in the blood, also HYPOMAGNESEMIA.
MANAGEMENTALmanagemental adj. Relating to management.
MANAGEMENTAL adj. relating to management.
MATERFAMILIASESmaterfamiliases n. Plural of materfamilias.
MATERFAMILIAS n. (Latin) the mother or female head of the family.
MELANAEMIAmelanaemia n. (Medicine) A morbid condition in which the blood contains black pigment, either floating freely or embedded…
MELANAEMIA n. the presence of melanin in the blood.
MELANAEMIASMELANAEMIA n. the presence of melanin in the blood.
METAMATERIALmetamaterial n. (Engineering, physics) any material that obtains its electromagnetic properties from its structure rather…
METAMATERIAL n. any artificial material created from microscopic arrangements of existing elements in a structure which gives the material unconventional properties, esp. when used for cloaking light or sound waves.
METAMATERIALSmetamaterials n. Plural of metamaterial.
METAMATERIAL n. any artificial material created from microscopic arrangements of existing elements in a structure which gives the material unconventional properties, esp. when used for cloaking light or sound waves.
METAMATHEMATICSmetamathematics n. A branch of mathematics dealing with mathematical systems and their nature.
METAMATHEMATICS n. a field of study concerned with the formal structure and properties (as the consistency and completeness of axioms) of mathematical systems.
PALAEOMAGNETISMpalaeomagnetism n. Alternative spelling of paleomagnetism.
PALAEOMAGNETISM n. a study of the magnetism of ancient rocks and fossils, and of bricks, pottery, etc. made in past ages.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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