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There are 17 words containing 3A, H, 2M and S

HAMMADAShammadas n. Plural of hammada.
HAMMADA n. (Arabic) a desert plateau of bedrock, also HAMADA.
MAHATMASmahatmas n. Plural of mahatma.
MAHATMA n. (Sanskrit) a religious adept, a sage.
HAEMATOMAShaematomas n. Plural of haematoma.
hæmatomas n. Plural of hæmatoma.
HAEMATOMA n. a swelling composed of blood effused into tissues, also HEMATOMA.
MAHATMAISMMAHATMAISM n. the state of being a mahatma.
MAHATMAISMSMAHATMAISM n. the state of being a mahatma.
HAEMANGIOMAShaemangiomas n. Plural of haemangioma.
HAEMANGIOMA n. a usually benign tumour made up of blood vessels, also HEMANGIOMA.
AMPHISTOMATALAMPHISTOMATAL adj. of a leaf, having stomata on both surfaces, also AMPHISTOMATIC.
ARITHMOMANIASarithmomanias n. Plural of arithmomania.
ARITHMOMANIA n. an obsession with numbers, esp. compulsion to count things.
MATHEMATICIANSmathematicians n. Plural of mathematician.
MATHEMATICIAN n. a specialist or expert in mathematics.
MATRIARCHALISMmatriarchalism n. The quality of being matriarchal.
MATRIARCHALISM n. the state of being matriarchal.
HAMAMELIDACEOUShamamelidaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the Hamamelidaceae.
HAMAMELIDACEOUS adj. belonging to the witch-hazel family.
HUMANITARIANISMhumanitarianism n. A humanitarian philosophy or practice.
HUMANITARIANISM n. the state of being humanitarian.
HYPOMAGNESAEMIAhypomagnesaemia n. Alternative spelling of hypomagnesemia.
HYPOMAGNESAEMIA n. a deficiency of magnesium in the blood, also HYPOMAGNESEMIA.
LYMPHOSARCOMATAlymphosarcomata n. Plural of lymphosarcoma.
LYMPHOSARCOMA n. a tumour of the lymph glands.
MATHEMATISATIONmathematisation n. Alternative form of mathematization.
MATHEMATISATION n. reduction to mathematical form, also MATHEMATIZATION.
MATRIARCHALISMSMATRIARCHALISM n. the state of being matriarchal.
METAMATHEMATICSmetamathematics n. A branch of mathematics dealing with mathematical systems and their nature.
METAMATHEMATICS n. a field of study concerned with the formal structure and properties (as the consistency and completeness of axioms) of mathematical systems.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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