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There are 16 words containing 2A, 2B, D and 2R

BARNBOARDbarnboard n. Antique board recovered from old barns, used in construction and the making of furniture.
BARNBOARD n. wide softwood boards that have not been planed, used especially for building barns.
BARBARISEDbarbarised v. Simple past tense and past participle of barbarise.
BARBARISE v. to reduce to a state of barbarism, also BARBARIZE.
BARBARIZEDbarbarized v. Simple past tense and past participle of barbarize.
BARBARIZE v. to reduce to a state of barbarism, also BARBARISE.
BARGEBOARDbargeboard n. (Architecture) Alternative spelling of barge board.
barge␣board n. A board fastened to the projecting gables of a roof to protect and hide other timbers.
BARGEBOARD n. a board projecting from a roof gable.
BARNBOARDSbarnboards n. Plural of barnboard.
BARNBOARD n. wide softwood boards that have not been planed, used especially for building barns.
BREADBOARDbreadboard n. A cutting board, especially for cutting bread.
breadboard n. A pull-out cutting board underneath a counter, found in many kitchens.
breadboard n. (Electronics) A device used to build a (usually temporary) prototype of an electronic circuit and for…
ABRACADABRAabracadabra n. A use of the mystical term ‘abracadabra’, supposed to work as part of a healing charm or a magical spell;…
abracadabra n. Mumbo-jumbo; obscure language or technicalities; jargon.
abracadabra interj. Used to indicate that a magic trick or other illusion has been performed.
BARGEBOARDSbargeboards n. Plural of bargeboard.
barge␣boards n. Plural of barge board.
BARGEBOARD n. a board projecting from a roof gable.
BEAVERBOARDbeaverboard n. A form of fiberboard made of wood pulp compressed into sheets.
BEAVERBOARD n. a building-board of wood fibre.
BREADBOARDSbreadboards n. Plural of breadboard.
BREADBOARD v. to make an experimental version of (an electronic circuit).
ABRACADABRASabracadabras n. Plural of abracadabra.
ABRACADABRA n. a magic word, used as a charm.
BEAVERBOARDSbeaverboards n. Plural of beaverboard.
BEAVERBOARD n. a building-board of wood fibre.
BREADBOARDEDbreadboarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of breadboard.
BREADBOARD v. to make an experimental version of (an electronic circuit).
HARDSCRABBLEhardscrabble adj. (Of land) Requiring much work to farm, and ultimately not very productive.
hardscrabble adj. (By extension) Involving hard work and struggle.
hard-scrabble adj. Alternative form of hardscrabble.
BREADBOARDINGbreadboarding v. Present participle of breadboard.
BREADBOARD v. to make an experimental version of (an electronic circuit).
HARDSCRABBLESHARDSCRABBLE n. a great effort made in the face of difficulties.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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