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There are 20 words containing 2A, B, G, R, S and Y

BALLYRAGSballyrags v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ballyrag.
BALLYRAG v. to overawe; to maltreat by jeering at or playing practical jokes on.
BIOSTRATIGRAPHYbiostratigraphy n. (Biology, geology) The study of the stratigraphic distribution of fossils.
BIOSTRATIGRAPHY n. the determination of age, etc., of sedimentary strata from fossils which they contain.
BRACHYDIAGONALSbrachydiagonals n. Plural of brachydiagonal.
BRACHYDIAGONAL n. in crystallography, the shorter lateral axis.
BRACHYGRAPHIESbrachygraphies n. Plural of brachygraphy.
BRACHYGRAPHY n. certain old systems of shorthand.
BREATHALYSINGbreathalysing v. Present participle of breathalyse, an alternative spelling of breathalyze.
BREATHALYSE v. to use a device which measures the amount of alcohol on a person's breath, also BREATHALYZE.
DISAGREEABILITYdisagreeability n. The quality of being disagreeable.
DISAGREEABILITY n. the quality of being disagreeable.
DISAGREEABLYdisagreeably adv. In a disagreeable manner.
DISAGREEABLE adv. causing discomfort.
EMBARRASSINGLYembarrassingly adv. In an embarrassing manner.
embarrassingly adv. To the point of embarrassment; to an extreme or bewildering degree.
embarrassingly adv. Causing embarrassment.
FIBROMYALGIASfibromyalgias n. Plural of fibromyalgia.
FIBROMYALGIA n. any of a group of rheumatic disorders affecting soft tissues.
GRAYBACKSgraybacks n. Plural of grayback.
GRAYBACK n. any of various animals having a grey back, such as the grey whale, also GREYBACK.
GRAYBEARDSgraybeards n. Plural of graybeard.
GRAYBEARD n. an old man, also GREYBEARD.
GUAYABERASguayaberas n. Plural of guayabera.
GUAYABERA n. (Spanish) a short-sleeved, lightweight sports shirt designed to be worn untucked.
KABARAGOYASkabaragoyas n. Plural of kabaragoya.
KABARAGOYA n. (Tagalog) a very large monitor lizard of SE Asia.
ORGANISABILITYorganisability n. Alternative form of organizability.
ORGANISABILITY n. the quality of being organisable, also ORGANIZABILITY.
SUBMARGINALLYsubmarginally adv. In a submarginal manner; below a margin.
SUBMARGINAL adv. adjacent to a margin or a marginal part or structure.
SYLLABOGRAMsyllabogram n. A symbol that represents a syllable.
SYLLABOGRAM n. a written symbol representing a single syllable.
SYLLABOGRAMSsyllabograms n. Plural of syllabogram.
SYLLABOGRAM n. a written symbol representing a single syllable.
SYLLABOGRAPHIESSYLLABOGRAPHY n. use of a writing system consisting of characters for syllables rather than for individual sounds or whole words.
SYLLABOGRAPHYSYLLABOGRAPHY n. use of a writing system consisting of characters for syllables rather than for individual sounds or whole words.
ZYGOBRANCHIATESZYGOBRANCHIATE n. a type of gastropod having paired, symmetrically placed gills, also ZYGOBRANCH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 376 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 54 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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