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There are 20 words containing 2A, O, P, T, X and Y

APPROXIMATELYapproximately adv. Imprecise but close to in quantity or amount.
APPROXIMATE adv. close together.
ARCHAEOPTERYXarchaeopteryx n. Alternative spelling of archeopteryx.
Archaeopteryx prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Archaeopterygidae – known from fossils and widely accepted as the…
archæopteryx n. Rare spelling of archeopteryx.
ARCHAEOPTERYXESarchaeopteryxes n. Plural of archaeopteryx.
ARCHAEOPTERYX n. a Jurassic fossil bird of the Archaeopteryx genus, with a long bony tail, sharp-toothed jaws, and wings bearing three clawed digits.
ASPHYXIATIONasphyxiation n. Death due to lack of oxygen.
asphyxiation n. An acute lack of oxygen.
ASPHYXIATION n. the act of asphyxiation.
ASPHYXIATIONSasphyxiations n. Plural of asphyxiation.
ASPHYXIATION n. the act of asphyxiation.
ASPHYXIATORasphyxiator n. One who or that which asphyxiates.
ASPHYXIATOR n. one of who asphyxiates.
ASPHYXIATORSasphyxiators n. Plural of asphyxiator.
ASPHYXIATOR n. one of who asphyxiates.
EXPATIATORYexpatiatory adj. Expansive; diffusive.
EXPATIATORY adj. expansive, also EXPATIATIVE.
EXPLANATORILYexplanatorily adv. With regard to explanation, or explanatory power.
EXPLANATORY adv. serving to explain, also EXPLANATIVE.
EXPLANATORYexplanatory adj. Intended to serve as an explanation.
explanatory adj. (Of a person) Disposed to explain.
EXPLANATORY adj. serving to explain, also EXPLANATIVE.
EXTRAPOLATORYextrapolatory adj. Serving to extrapolate.
EXTRAPOLATORY adj. of or like an extrapolation.
HYDROXYAPATITEhydroxyapatite n. A basic calcium phosphate mineral that is the principal inorganic constituent of bone and teeth.
HYDROXYAPATITE n. a complex phosphate of calcium that occurs as a mineral and is the chief structural element of vertebrate bone.
HYDROXYAPATITEShydroxyapatites n. Plural of hydroxyapatite.
HYDROXYAPATITE n. a complex phosphate of calcium that occurs as a mineral and is the chief structural element of vertebrate bone.
HYDROXYLAPATITEhydroxylapatite n. Alternative spelling of hydroxyapatite.
HYDROXYLAPATITE n. a mineral of the apatite group that is rare in the ground but is the principal inorganic constituent of tooth enamel and bone.
INTERPAROXYSMALinterparoxysmal adj. Between paroxysms.
INTERPAROXYSMAL adj. between paroxysms.
LITHOLAPAXYlitholapaxy n. (Medicine) The removal of a vesical calculus by first crushing it and subsequently washing out the fragments.
LITHOLAPAXY n. the operation of crushing stone in the bladder and working it out.
NONEXPLANATORYnonexplanatory adj. Not explanatory.
NONEXPLANATORY adj. not explanatory.
PARADOXICALITYparadoxicality n. The quality of being paradoxical.
PARADOXICALITY n. the state of being paradoxical.
POLYCARBOXYLATEpolycarboxylate n. (Organic chemistry) Any ester of a polycarboxylic acid.
POLYCARBOXYLATE n. a salt or ester of a polycarboxylic acid, used in certain detergents.
PROTOGALAXYprotogalaxy n. A cloud of gas which is starting to form a galaxy.
PROTOGALAXY n. a galaxy in its initial state of formation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 299 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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