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There are 13 words containing A, B, D, G, M, N and T

ABRIDGEMENTabridgement n. (Chiefly UK) Alternative form of abridgment.
ABRIDGEMENT n. the act of abridging, also ABRIDGMENT.
ABRIDGEMENTSabridgements n. Plural of abridgement.
ABRIDGEMENT n. the act of abridging, also ABRIDGMENT.
ABRIDGMENTabridgment n. (US) The act of abridging; reduction or deprivation.
abridgment n. (US) The state of being abridged or lessened.
abridgment n. (US) An epitome or compend, as of a book; a shortened or abridged form; an abbreviation.
ABRIDGMENTSabridgments n. Plural of abridgment.
ABRIDGMENT n. the act of abridging, also ABRIDGEMENT.
ADUMBRATINGadumbrating v. Present participle of adumbrate.
ADUMBRATE v. to foreshadow vaguely, to intimate.
BADMOUTHINGbadmouthing v. Present participle of badmouth.
bad-mouthing v. Present participle of bad-mouth.
BADMOUTH v. to abuse.
DISAMBIGUATINGdisambiguating v. Present participle of disambiguate.
DISAMBIGUATE v. to establish a single grammatical interpretation.
DISAMBIGUATIONdisambiguation n. The removal of ambiguity.
disambiguation n. (Wiki jargon) A page on a wiki containing links to two or more topics with the same name.
DISAMBIGUATION n. the establishment of a single semantic or grammatical interpretation.
DISAMBIGUATIONSdisambiguations n. Plural of disambiguation.
DISAMBIGUATION n. the establishment of a single semantic or grammatical interpretation.
DRUMBEATINGdrumbeating n. A beating of drums.
DRUMBEATING n. the beating of a drum.
DRUMBEATINGSdrumbeatings n. Plural of drumbeating.
DRUMBEATING n. the beating of a drum.
MATCHBOARDINGmatchboarding n. A type of softwood panelling formerly used for walls and ceilings.
MATCHBOARDING n. matchboards collectively.
MATCHBOARDINGSMATCHBOARDING n. matchboards collectively.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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