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There are 18 words containing A, B, 3E, P and V

BREVIPENNATEbrevipennate adj. (Ornithology) short-winged; having short wings.
BREVIPENNATE adj. having short wings.
DEVELOPABLEdevelopable adj. Suitable for development, often specifically for construction.
developable adj. (Photography, of a latent image) Which can be developed into a visible image.
developable adj. (Geometry, of a surface) Described by a moving right line, and such that consecutive positions of the…
IMPERCEIVABLEimperceivable adj. That cannot be perceived; imperceptible.
IMPERCEIVABLE adj. imperceptible.
IMPERVIABLENESSimperviableness n. The quality of being imperviable.
IMPERVIABLE n. not able to be penetrated, also IMPERVIOUS.
IRREPLEVIABLEirrepleviable adj. (Law) Not capable of being replevied.
IRREPLEVIABLE adj. unable to be replevied, also IRREPLEVISABLE.
PEBBLEWEAVEPEBBLEWEAVE n. an irregularly textured material made from twisted yarn.
PEBBLEWEAVESPEBBLEWEAVE n. an irregularly textured material made from twisted yarn.
PERCEIVABLEperceivable adj. Capable of being perceived; discernible.
PERCEIVABLE adj. able to be perceived.
PRESERVABLEpreservable adj. Capable of being preserved.
PRESERVABLE adj. that can be preserved.
PREVENTABLEpreventable adj. Capable of being prevented.
preventable n. Something that can be prevented.
PREVENTABLE adj. that can be prevented, also PREVENTIBLE.
PROVABLENESSESPROVABLENESS n. the state of being provable.
REPLEVIABLErepleviable adj. (Law) Capable of being replevied.
REPLEVIABLE adj. subject to replevin, also REPLEVISABLE.
REPLEVISABLEreplevisable adj. Alternative form of repleviable.
REPLEVISABLE adj. subject to replevin, also REPLEVIABLE.
REPRIEVABLEreprievable adj. Able to be reprieved.
REPRIEVABLE adj. that can be reprieved.
UNPERCEIVABLEunperceivable adj. Not perceivable; imperceptible.
UNPERCEIVABLE adj. that cannot be perceived.
UNPREVENTABLEunpreventable adj. Not preventable.
unpreventable n. Something that cannot be prevented.
UNPREVENTABLE adj. not preventable.
UNREPRIEVABLEunreprievable adj. Not capable of being reprieved.
UNREPRIEVABLE adj. not reprievable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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