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There are 15 words containing A, C, M, 2N, R and Z

CRIMINALIZATIONcriminalization n. The act of making a previously legal activity illegal, the act of making something a criminal offence.
criminalization n. The act of turning someone into a criminal by making their activities illegal.
CRIMINALIZATION n. the act of criminalizing, also CRIMINALISATION.
CRIMINALIZINGcriminalizing v. Present participle of criminalize.
CRIMINALIZE v. to make illegal, also CRIMINALISE.
DECRIMINALIZINGdecriminalizing v. (Rare) present participle of decriminalize To change the laws so something is no longer a crime.
DECRIMINALIZE v. to remove or reduce the criminal classification or status of, also DECRIMINALISE.
MERCHANDIZINGmerchandizing n. Alternative spelling of merchandising.
merchandizing v. Present participle of merchandize.
MERCHANDIZING n. buying and selling in business.
MERCHANDIZINGSmerchandizings n. Plural of merchandizing.
MERCHANDIZING n. buying and selling in business.
MICRONIZATIONmicronization n. (US) Alternative spelling of micronisation.
MICRONIZATION n. the process of micronizing, also MICRONISATION.
MONARCHIZINGmonarchizing v. Present participle of monarchize.
MONARCHIZE v. to play the sovereign; to act the monarch, also MONARCHISE.
PANCREOZYMINpancreozymin n. (Dated) cholecystokinin.
PANCREOZYMIN n. a hormone that stimulates enzyme production by the pancreas.
PANCREOZYMINSpancreozymins n. Plural of pancreozymin.
PANCREOZYMIN n. a hormone that stimulates enzyme production by the pancreas.
PARCHMENTIZINGparchmentizing v. Present participle of parchmentize.
PARCHMENTIZE v. to make like parchment, e.g. by treating with sulphuric acid, also PARCHMENTISE.
ROMANTICIZATIONromanticization n. The act or process of romanticizing.
romanticization n. The result of such a process; a romantic treatment.
ROMANTICIZATION n. the act of romanticizing, also ROMANTICISATION.
ROMANTICIZINGromanticizing v. (US) present participle of romanticize.
ROMANTICIZE v. to make romantic, also ROMANTICISE.
UNROMANTICIZEDunromanticized adj. Not romanticized.
UNROMANTICIZED adj. not romanticized, also UNROMANTICISED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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