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There are 14 words containing A, E, 2G, H, I and W

CHINWAGGEDchinwagged v. Simple past tense and past participle of chinwag.
CHINWAG v. to chat.
GREENWASHINGgreenwashing n. The practice by people, organizations and states of presenting themselves as environmentally-friendly…
greenwashing v. Present participle of greenwash.
GREENWASHING n. the act of covering with a specious overlay of concern for the environment.
GREENWASHINGSgreenwashings n. Plural of greenwashing.
GREENWASHING n. the act of covering with a specious overlay of concern for the environment.
SPANGHEWINGspanghewing v. Present participle of spanghew.
SPANGHEW v. (dialect) to fling into the air.
WAGGISHNESSwaggishness n. Waggish behaviour.
WAGGISHNESS n. the state of being waggish.
WAGGISHNESSESWAGGISHNESS n. the state of being waggish.
WEIGHAGEweighage n. A duty or toll paid for weighing merchandise.
WEIGHAGE n. the rate paid for weighing of goods.
WEIGHAGESweighages n. Plural of weighage.
WEIGHAGE n. the rate paid for weighing of goods.
WEIGHTAGEweightage n. Synonym of weighting.
WEIGHTAGE n. a weighting.
WEIGHTAGESweightages n. Plural of weightage.
WEIGHTAGE n. a weighting.
WHIGGAMOREWhiggamore n. (Derogatory, archaic) A Whig.
WHIGGAMORE n. (Scots) a Whig; a cant term applied in contempt to Scotch Presbyterians.
WHIGGAMORESWhiggamores n. Plural of Whiggamore.
WHIGGAMORE n. (Scots) a Whig; a cant term applied in contempt to Scotch Presbyterians.
WOOLGATHERINGwoolgathering n. The gathering of fragments of wool torn from sheep by bushes, etc.
woolgathering n. Indulgence in idle fancies or daydreams.
wool-gathering n. Alternative spelling of woolgathering.
WOOLGATHERINGSwoolgatherings n. Plural of woolgathering.
wool-gatherings n. Plural of wool-gathering.
WOOLGATHERING n. indulgence in idle daydreaming.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 227 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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