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There are 13 words containing A, E, L, 3N and Z

BENZENECARBONYLBENZENECARBONYL n. a systemic name for benzoyl.
CHANNELIZATIONchannelization n. The straightening and widening of a stream or river.
channelization n. The division of a wide-band communications channel into multiple narrow-band channels.
CHANNELIZATION n. the act of channelizing, also CHANNELISATION.
CHANNELIZATIONSchannelizations n. Plural of channelization.
CHANNELIZATION n. the act of channelizing, also CHANNELISATION.
CHANNELIZINGchannelizing v. Present participle of channelize.
CHANNELIZE v. to create or provide a channel for, also CHANNELISE.
CONVENTIONALIZEconventionalize v. (Transitive) To make something conventional.
CONVENTIONALIZE v. to make conventional, also CONVENTIONALISE.
DENATIONALIZINGdenationalizing v. Present participle of denationalize.
DENATIONALIZE v. to divest of national character or rights, also DENATIONALISE.
ENCARNALIZINGencarnalizing v. Present participle of encarnalize.
ENCARNALIZE v. to make carnal or sensual, also ENCARNALISE.
INTERNALIZATIONinternalization n. The process of internalizing something.
INTERNALIZATION n. the act of internalising, also INTERNALISATION.
INTERNALIZINGinternalizing v. Present participle of internalize.
INTERNALIZE v. to make internal, also INTERNALISE.
MONUMENTALIZINGmonumentalizing v. Present participle of monumentalize.
MONUMENTALIZE v. to record or memorialize lastingly by a monument, also MONUMENTALISE.
PHENOMENALIZINGphenomenalizing v. Present participle of phenomenalize.
PHENOMENALIZE v. to represent as a phenomenon, also PHENOMENALISE.
RENATIONALIZINGrenationalizing v. Present participle of renationalize.
RENATIONALIZE v. to nationalize again, also RENATIONALISE.
UNSENSUALIZINGunsensualizing v. Present participle of unsensualize.
UNSENSUALIZE v. to free from the dominion of the senses, also UNSENSUALISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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