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There are 14 fifteen-letter words containing 2A, C, E, G, M, N and P

CINEMATOGRAPHEDcinematographed v. Simple past tense and past participle of cinematograph.
CINEMATOGRAPH v. to record by movie projector.
CINEMATOGRAPHERcinematographer n. (Cinematography) A photographer who oversees the operations of the cameras and lighting when making…
cinematographer n. (Dated) One who exhibits motion pictures; a projectionist.
CINEMATOGRAPHER n. a specialist in cinematography.
CINEMATOGRAPHICcinematographic adj. Of or pertaining to cinematography.
CINEMATOGRAPHIC adj. relating to cinematography.
COUNTERCAMPAIGNcountercampaign n. A campaign that opposes another campaign.
COUNTERCAMPAIGN n. an opposing campaign.
KINEMATOGRAPHICkinematographic adj. Alternative form of cinematographic.
KINEMATOGRAPHIC adj. relating to kinematography.
MALACOPTERYGIANmalacopterygian n. (Archaic) (zoology) Any of the obsolete order of fish Malacopterygii.
MALACOPTERYGIAN adj. belonging to the Malacopterygii, a soft-finned suborder of bony fishes, including herrings and salmon.
MEGACORPORATIONmegacorporation n. A corporation or business entity of immense size and influence.
MEGACORPORATION n. a huge and powerful corporation.
MISAPPRECIATINGmisappreciating v. Present participle of misappreciate.
MISAPPRECIATE v. to fail to appreciate.
PERGAMENTACEOUSpergamentaceous adj. (Biology, now chiefly botany) Reminiscent of parchment.
PERGAMENTACEOUS adj. parchment-like, also PERGAMENEOUS.
PHARMACOGENOMICpharmacogenomic adj. Of or pertaining to pharmacogenomics or to pharmacogenomes.
PHARMACOGENOMIC adj. relating to pharmacogenomics, the branch of pharmacology which deals with the influence of genetic variation on drug response in patients.
PHARMACOGNOSIESpharmacognosies n. Plural of pharmacognosy.
PHARMACOGNOSY n. the study of drugs of animal and plant origin.
PLUMBAGINACEOUSplumbaginaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the Plumbaginaceae.
PLUMBAGINACEOUS adj. belonging to the Plumbaginaceae, leadworts.
PNEUMATOLOGICALpneumatological adj. Of or pertaining to pneumatology.
PNEUMATOLOGICAL adj. related to pneumatology.
PRAGMATICALNESSpragmaticalness n. The quality or state of being pragmatical.
PRAGMATICALNESS n. the state of being pragmatical.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 59 words
  • Scrabble in French: 38 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 31 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 50 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 11 words

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