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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 14 fifteen-letter words containing 2A, E, 2L, M, P and Y

ATMOSPHERICALLYatmospherically adv. In an atmospheric manner.
atmospherically adv. With regard to the atmosphere.
ATMOSPHERICAL adv. related to the atmosphere, also ATMOSPHERIC.
COMPARTMENTALLYcompartmentally adv. One compartment at a time.
COMPARTMENTAL adv. relating to compartments.
DEMOGRAPHICALLYdemographically adv. In a demographic manner.
DEMOGRAPHICAL adv. relating to demography, also DEMOGRAPHIC.
ESEMPLASTICALLYESEMPLASTIC adv. having the power to shape disparate things into a unified whole.
HOMEOPATHICALLYhomeopathically adv. By means of homeopathy.
HOMEOPATHIC adv. of or relating to homeopathy.
METAMORPHICALLYmetamorphically adv. In a metamorphic manner.
METAMORPHIC adv. showing or relating to change of form.
PALAEOLIMNOLOGYpalaeolimnology n. Alternative form of paleolimnology.
PALAEOLIMNOLOGY n. the study of ancient lakes.
PARLIAMENTARILYparliamentarily adv. In a parliamentary manner; in the context of parliament.
PARLIAMENTARY adv. of or relating to a parliament.
PLANIMETRICALLYplanimetrically adv. In a planimetric manner.
PLANIMETRICAL adv. relating to planimetry, also PLANIMETRIC.
PLANOMETRICALLYplanometrically adv. By means of or in terms of planometry.
PLANOMETRIC adv. denoting a type of pictorial drawing.
POLYACRYLAMIDESpolyacrylamides n. Plural of polyacrylamide.
POLYACRYLAMIDE n. a polyamide of acrylic acid.
PROBLEMATICALLYproblematically adv. In a problematic manner.
PROBLEMATICAL adv. causing problems, also PROBLEMATIC.
SYMPATHETICALLYsympathetically adv. Owing to or showing evidence of sympathy, or affinity; happening through or demonstrating correspondences…
sympathetically adv. In a manner which demonstrates a sharing in the feelings of others; compassionately.
SYMPATHETICAL adv. (obsolete) sympathetic, also SYMPATHETIC.
TEMPERAMENTALLYtemperamentally adv. In a temperamental manner.
temperamentally adv. (Not comparable) By one’s temperament.
TEMPERAMENTAL adv. relating to temperament.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 85 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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