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There are 19 words containing 3A, 2E, I, L and O

ACETAZOLAMIDEacetazolamide n. (Pharmacology) A drug that inhibits the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, used in the treatment of glaucoma…
ACETAZOLAMIDE n. a diuretic drug.
PALAEOCLIMATEpalaeoclimate n. Alternative spelling of paleoclimate.
PALAEOCLIMATE n. the climate at any stage in the geological development of the earth.
PARALEIPOMENAPARALEIPOMENON n. a thing added as a supplement to a main text, also PARALIPOMENON.
ACETAZOLAMIDESacetazolamides n. Plural of acetazolamide.
ACETAZOLAMIDE n. a diuretic drug.
AEROELASTICIANaeroelastician n. A scientist or engineer whose speciality is aeroelasticity.
AEROELASTICIAN n. a person who studies flutter and vibration in high-speed aircraft.
AEROMECHANICALaeromechanical adj. Of or pertaining to aeromechanics.
AEROMECHANICAL adj. relating to aeromechanics.
PALAEOBOTANIESPALAEOBOTANY n. the study of fossil plants, also PALEOBOTANY.
PALAEOCLIMATESpalaeoclimates n. Plural of palaeoclimate.
PALAEOCLIMATE n. the climate at any stage in the geological development of the earth.
PALAEOGRAPHIESpalaeographies n. Plural of palaeography.
palæographies n. Plural of palæography.
PALAEOGRAPHY n. the study of ancient writings, also PALEOGRAPHY.
PALAEOMAGNETICpalaeomagnetic adj. (UK, geology) Of or pertaining to palaeomagnetism.
PALAEOMAGNETIC adj. relating to palaeomagnetism.
VALERIANACEOUSvalerianaceous adj. Of or pertaining to the flowering plant genus Valeriana.
VALERIANACEOUS adj. belonging to the valerian family.
AEROELASTICIANSaeroelasticians n. Plural of aeroelastician.
AEROELASTICIAN n. a person who studies flutter and vibration in high-speed aircraft.
ASCLEPIADACEOUSasclepiadaceous adj. (Botany) Relating to the milkweeds.
ASCLEPIADACEOUS adj. belonging to the Asclepiadaceae, the milkweed and swallowwort family.
HAMAMELIDACEOUShamamelidaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the Hamamelidaceae.
HAMAMELIDACEOUS adj. belonging to the witch-hazel family.
LACTOVEGETARIANlactovegetarian n. A person whose diet excludes meat and eggs, but includes dairy products.
lactovegetarian adj. Excluding meat and eggs, but including dairy products.
LACTOVEGETARIAN n. a vegetarian whose diet includes milk and other dairy products.
PALAEOMAGNETISMpalaeomagnetism n. Alternative spelling of paleomagnetism.
PALAEOMAGNETISM n. a study of the magnetism of ancient rocks and fossils, and of bricks, pottery, etc. made in past ages.
PALAEOMAGNETISTpalaeomagnetist n. Alternative spelling of paleomagnetist.
PALAEOMAGNETIST n. a student of or expert in palaeomagnetism.
PARALLELOPIPEDAPARALLELOPIPEDA plural of parallelopipedon* (which has sixteen letters), a solid figure bounded by six parallelograms, opposite pairs being identical and parallel.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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