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There are 15 words containing A, B, 2E, H, M, P and S

AMPHISBAENAEamphisbænæ n. Plural of amphisbæna.
AMPHISBAENA n. a worm-lizard; also, a mythical two-headed serpent or lizard.
BLASPHEMEblaspheme v. (Intransitive) To commit blasphemy; to speak against God or religious doctrine.
blaspheme v. (Transitive) To speak of, or address, with impious irreverence; to revile impiously (anything sacred).
blaspheme v. (Transitive) To calumniate; to revile; to abuse.
BLASPHEMEDblasphemed v. Simple past tense and past participle of blaspheme.
BLASPHEME v. to speak impiously or contemptuously.
BLASPHEMERblasphemer n. One who commits blasphemy; a person who mocks or derides a deity or religion, or claims to be God.
BLASPHEMER n. one who blasphemes.
BLASPHEMERSblasphemers n. Plural of blasphemer.
BLASPHEMER n. one who blasphemes.
BLASPHEMESblasphemes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blaspheme.
blasphemes n. Plural of blaspheme.
BLASPHEME v. to speak impiously or contemptuously.
BLASPHEMIESblasphemies n. Plural of blasphemy.
BLASPHEMY n. impious speech.
BLASPHEMOUSNESSblasphemousness n. The state or quality of being blasphemous.
BLASPHEMOUSNESS n. the state of being blasphemous.
EMETOPHOBIASEMETOPHOBIA n. the fear of vomiting.
GERMAPHOBESgermaphobes n. Plural of germaphobe.
HYPERMETABOLISMhypermetabolism n. (Biochemistry) The physiological state of increased metabolic activity, typically occurring after significant…
HYPERMETABOLISM n. the physiological state of increased rate of metabolic activity.
IMPERISHABLEimperishable adj. Not perishable; not subject to decay; enduring permanently.
imperishable n. (In the plural) something that does not perish, or keeps for a long time.
IMPERISHABLE adj. not perishable or subject to decay.
IMPERISHABLESimperishables n. Plural of imperishable.
IMPERISHABLE n. something imperishable.
METABISULPHITEmetabisulphite n. Alternative spelling of metabisulfite.
METABISULPHITE n. as in sodium metabisulphite, an inorganic compound.
METABISULPHITESmetabisulphites n. Plural of metabisulphite.
METABISULPHITE n. as in sodium metabisulphite, an inorganic compound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 261 words
  • Scrabble in French: 53 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 28 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 18 words

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