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There are 7 words containing A, B, E, 2G, 2L and N

BAGELLINGbagelling v. Present participle of bagel.
BAGEL v. to defeat in a tennis set by six games to love.
BEGALLINGbegalling v. Present participle of begall.
BEGALL v. to make sore by rubbing.
NEGLIGEABLEnegligeable adj. Archaic form of negligible.
NEGLIGEABLE adj. that may neglected or left out of consideration, also NEGLIGIBLE.
AGGLUTINABLEagglutinable adj. Able to be agglutinated; that readily undergoes agglutination.
AGGLUTINABLE adj. able to be agglutinated.
BILLINGSGATEbillingsgate n. Profane, abusive language; coarse words.
billingsgate v. (Transitive) To use abusive language towards.
BILLINGSGATE n. coarsely abusive language.
BLACKLEGGINGblacklegging n. The practice of working in place of those who are engaged in a strike.
blacklegging v. Present participle of blackleg.
BLACKLEG v. to work even though a strike has been declared.
BILLINGSGATESbillingsgates n. Plural of billingsgate.
BILLINGSGATE n. coarsely abusive language.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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