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There are 20 words containing A, B, G, I, M, 2N and O

BEMOANINGbemoaning v. Present participle of bemoan.
bemoaning n. The act of one who bemoans something.
BEMOANING n. lamentation.
HAMBONINGhamboning v. Present participle of hambone.
HAMBONE v. to overact, also HAM.
BEMOANINGSbemoanings n. Plural of bemoaning.
BEMOANING n. lamentation.
ABOMINATINGabominating v. Present participle of abominate.
ABOMINATE v. to loathe.
AMBITIONINGambitioning v. Present participle of ambition.
AMBITION v. to seek with eagerness.
BOMBINATINGbombinating v. Present participle of bombinate.
BOMBINATE v. to buzz, drone, also BOMBILATE.
BROMINATINGbrominating v. Present participle of brominate.
BROMINATE v. to treat with bromine.
EMBLAZONINGemblazoning v. Present participle of emblazon.
emblazoning n. Something emblazoned.
EMBLAZON v. to depict heraldically.
BARNSTORMINGbarnstorming v. Present participle of barnstorm.
barnstorming adj. (Especially of a performance) Highly theatrical.
barnstorming n. The act of one who barnstorms, or travels making political speeches.
BOOMERANGINGboomeranging v. Present participle of boomerang.
BOOMERANG v. to return like a boomerang.
NONAMBIGUOUSnonambiguous adj. Not ambiguous.
NONAMBIGUOUS adj. not ambiguous.
BACKGAMMONINGbackgammoning v. Present participle of backgammon.
BACKGAMMON v. to defeat at the game of backgammon.
BARNSTORMINGSbarnstormings n. Plural of barnstorming.
BARNSTORMING n. touring country areas giving theatrical performances.
BILDUNGSROMANbildungsroman n. A novel tracing the spiritual, moral, psychological, or social development and growth of the main character…
Bildungsroman n. Alternative letter-case form of bildungsroman.
BILDUNGSROMAN n. (German) a psychological novel dealing with the early moral development of the protagonist.
BRAINSTORMINGbrainstorming n. A method of problem solving in which members of a group contribute ideas spontaneously.
brainstorming v. Present participle of brainstorm.
brain-storming v. Present participle of brain-storm.
MOUNTEBANKINGmountebanking v. Present participle of mountebank.
MOUNTEBANKING n. acting as a mountebank.
BILDUNGSROMANSbildungsromans n. Plural of bildungsroman.
Bildungsromans n. Plural of Bildungsroman.
BILDUNGSROMAN n. (German) a psychological novel dealing with the early moral development of the protagonist.
BRAINSTORMINGSbrainstormings n. Plural of brainstorming.
BRAINSTORMING n. the practice of thrashing out a problem, developing a strategy, etc. by intensive group discussion in which ideas are put forward in an extempore fashion.
MOUNTEBANKINGSMOUNTEBANKING n. acting as a mountebank.
SOMNAMBULATINGsomnambulating v. Present participle of somnambulate.
SOMNAMBULATE v. to walk when asleep.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 485 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 57 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 66 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 7 words

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