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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, C, E, I, L, 2O and P

ACROPOLISESacropolises n. Plural of acropolis.
ACROPOLIS n. (Greek) a citadel, esp. that of Athens.
AEOLOTROPICaeolotropic adj. (Physics) Pertaining to aeolotropy; of a body or substance, having physical properties (e.g., electric…
æolotropic adj. Obsolete spelling of aeolotropic.
AEOLOTROPIC adj. having different physical properties in different positions or directions, anisotropic.
APOLOGETICSapologetics n. The field of study concerned with the systematic defense of a position, or of religious or occult doctrines.
APOLOGETICS n. defense and proof of Christianity or other doctrine.
CARPOLOGIESCARPOLOGY n. the study of fruits and seeds.
INCORPOREALincorporeal adj. Having no material form or physical substance.
incorporeal adj. (Law) Relating to an asset that does not have a material form; such as a patent.
INCORPOREAL adj. not corporeal, having no bodily or material structure.
LOGOPAEDICSlogopaedics n. Alternative form of logopedics.
LOGOPAEDICS n. speech therapy, also LOGOPEDICS.
NEOTROPICALneotropical adj. (Biology) Occurring in tropical America, i.e. the tropics of the New World.
Neotropical adj. Relating to the Neotropic ecozone.
OLEOGRAPHIColeographic adj. Relating to oleography.
OLEOGRAPHIC adj. like an oleograph.
ORTHOEPICALorthoepical adj. Synonym of orthoepic.
ORTHOEPICAL adj. relating to orthoepy, the study of correct pronunciation, also ORTHOEPIC.
PEDOLOGICALpedological adj. Of or pertaining to pedology (in all senses).
PEDOLOGICAL adj. of or relating to soils.
PENOLOGICALpenological adj. Of, or relating to penology.
PENOLOGICAL adj. relating to penology, the study of crime and punishment.
PERCOLATIONpercolation n. The seepage or filtration of a liquid through a porous substance.
PERCOLATION n. the act of percolating.
PHOCOMELIASphocomelias n. Plural of phocomelia.
PHOCOMELIA n. a type of congenital deformity, with seallike limbs, also PHOCOMELY.
POLARISCOPEpolariscope n. A polarimeter.
POLARISCOPE n. an instrument for detecting polarized light.
POLICEWOMANpolicewoman n. A female police officer.
POLICEWOMAN n. a woman who is a member of a police force.
PRECOLONIALprecolonial adj. Of or pertaining to a historical period before colonisation.
precolonial n. An inhabitant of an area before colonists first arrived.
PRECOLONIAL adj. taking place before colonialism.
SCOPOLAMINEscopolamine n. (Pharmacology) A poisonous alkaloid C17H21NO4 similar to atropine that is found in various solanaceous…
SCOPOLAMINE n. a sleep-inducing drug obtained from nightshade family of plants.
ZOOCEPHALICzoocephalic adj. Having the head of an animal.
ZOOCEPHALIC adj. animal-headed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 71 words
  • Scrabble in French: 23 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 47 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 74 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 94 words

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