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There are 20 words containing A, C, E, K, N, 2R and S

BACKGROUNDERSbackgrounders n. Plural of backgrounder.
BACKGROUNDER n. an off the record briefing for reporters.
BLACKBERRYINGSBLACKBERRYING n. the act of collecting blackberries.
BREAKDANCERSbreakdancers n. Plural of breakdancer.
break-dancers n. Plural of break-dancer.
break␣dancers n. Plural of break dancer.
CANKERWORMScankerworms n. Plural of cankerworm.
CANKERWORM n. a larva that feeds on and destroys plants, esp. fruit.
CORNCRAKEScorncrakes n. Plural of corncrake.
corn-crakes n. Plural of corn-crake.
corn␣crakes n. Plural of corn crake.
CORNERBACKScornerbacks n. Plural of cornerback.
CORNERBACK n. a position in American football.
COUNTERMARKScountermarks n. Plural of countermark.
COUNTERMARK n. an additional mark put on a bale of goods belonging to several merchants, so that it may not be opened except in the presence of all the owners.
GREENBACKERSgreenbackers n. Plural of greenbacker.
Greenbackers n. Plural of Greenbacker.
GREENBACKER n. a member of a post-Civil War American political party opposing reduction in the amount of paper money in circulation.
HANDKERCHERShandkerchers n. Plural of handkercher.
HANDKERCHER n. a handkerchief, also HANDKERCHIEF.
MACROMARKETINGSMACROMARKETING n. marketing concerning all marketing as a whole, marketing systems, and the mutual effect that society and marketing systems have on each other.
MICROMARKETINGSMICROMARKETING n. very small-scale marketing.
NUTCRACKERSnutcrackers n. Plural of nutcracker.
NUTCRACKER n. a bird of the crow family.
QUARTERBACKINGSQUARTERBACKING n. wisdom after the event, esp. by spectators.
RACKETEERINGSracketeerings n. Plural of racketeering.
RACKETEERING n. running a protection racket.
RANSACKERransacker n. One who ransacks.
RANSACKER n. one who ransacks.
RANSACKERSransackers n. Plural of ransacker.
RANSACKER n. one who ransacks.
SCRIMSHANKERscrimshanker n. (UK, military, slang) A shirker; one who scrimshanks.
SCRIMSHANKERSscrimshankers n. Plural of scrimshanker.
UNDERCRACKERSundercrackers n. (UK, informal) Men’s underpants.
UNDERCRACKERS n. (slang) underwear.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 664 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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