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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing A, D, I, L, N and 3O

BIOFLAVONOIDSbioflavonoids n. Plural of bioflavonoid.
BIOFLAVONOID n. vitamin P, a vitamin found in citrus fruit, blackcurrants and rosehips, aka citrin.
CHONDRIOSOMALCHONDRIOSOMAL adj. of or like a chondriosome, a mitochondrion.
CONSOLIDATIONconsolidation n. The act or process of consolidating, making firm, or uniting; the state of being consolidated.
consolidation n. The combination of several actions into one.
consolidation n. (Medicine) A solidification into a firm dense mass. It is usually applied to induration (swelling or…
CONSOLIDATORSconsolidators n. Plural of consolidator.
CONSOLIDATOR n. one who consolidates.
DECOLORATIONSdecolorations n. Plural of decoloration.
DECOLORATION n. removal or absence of colour.
DEMONOLOGICALdemonological adj. Of or pertaining to demonology.
DEMONOLOGICAL adj. relating to demonology, also DEMONOLOGIC.
DEONTOLOGICALdeontological adj. (Ethics, philosophy) Of or relating to deontology.
DEONTOLOGICAL adj. relating to deontology, the theory or study of moral obligation.
DISCOLORATIONdiscoloration n. The act of discoloring, or the state of being discolored; alteration of hue or appearance.
discoloration n. A discolored spot; a stain.
DISCOLORATION n. the act of discoloring.
ODONATOLOGIESODONATOLOGY n. the study of dragonflies.
ODONATOLOGISTodonatologist n. One who studies odonatology.
ODONATOLOGIST n. one who studies dragonflies.
ODONTOBLASTICodontoblastic adj. Relating to odontoblasts.
ODONTOBLASTIC adj. of or like an odontoblast, a tooth cell in the surface of dental pulp that produces dentine.
ODONTOLOGICALodontological adj. (Rare) referring or pertaining to odontology; dental.
ODONTOLOGICAL adj. relating to odontology, also ODONTOLOGIC.
ORTHODIAGONALorthodiagonal n. (Crystallography) The diagonal or lateral axis in a monoclinic crystal which is at right angles with…
ORTHODIAGONAL n. in a monoclinic crystal, that lateral axis which is perpendicular to the vertical axis.
PODSOLIZATIONpodsolization n. Alternative form of podzolization.
PODSOLIZATION n. the process of turning into a podsol, also PODSOLISATION, PODZOLISATION, PODZOLIZATION.
PODZOLISATIONpodzolisation n. Alternative form of podzolization.
PODZOLISATION n. the process of turning into a podzol, also PODSOLISATION, PODSOLIZATION, PODZOLIZATION.
PODZOLIZATIONpodzolization n. The process of podzolizing.
PODZOLIZATION n. the process of turning into a podsol, also PODSOLISATION, PODSOLIZATION, PODZOLISATION.
RADIOLOCATIONradiolocation n. (Uncountable) The detection and locating of distant objects using microwave radiation; especially radar.
radiolocation n. (Uncountable) The locating of an object that is fitted with a radio tag.
radiolocation n. (Countable) A location so identified.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 79 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 44 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 114 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 68 words

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